1.2 Cameroon Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

Main domains in Cameroon include Customs (import and transit of food and non-food consignment), Agriculture for rules on quality and norms, Transport for rules on trucks and road traffic, and Telecommunications for rules on V-SAT and communications. 

The Agence de Régulation des Télécommunication – ART ensures the implementation of legal and regulatory texts in Telecommunications and Communications Information Technologies, and issues necessary accreditations for radio and satellite equipment. 

The Ministry of Transport ensures the coordinated development of all modes of transport; provides and controls the organization and operation of air, rail, sea and river (like CAMRAIL, Agency for Safety of Air Navigation, National Port Authority and others), and provides or controls the organization and operation of road transport and road safety. 

The Ministry of Agriculture has attached to it the quality control national bureau. It gives advice and suggestions on food and seed quality. 

The Ministry of Finance is in charge of the elaboration and implementation of the financial, budgetary, fiscal and monetary policy of the Government, including taxes and customs regulation and process. 

For more details on regulatory departments and quality control companies's contact information, please see the following links: 

4.3 Cameroon Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact

4.1 Cameroon Government Contact List

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