2.5 Cameroon Waterways Assessment

With the exception of the Benué River, waterways navigation is not developed in Cameroon.

In 2017, a study was done on eight waterways and infrastructure investment should occur soon, though at the time of assessment major progress on this matter was not apparent:

  • River Wouri, between Yabassi and Douala for a length of 67 km
  • River Nyong, between Abong-Mbang and Mbalmayo, for 215 km
  • River Sanaga, from Edéa to Atlantic Ocean, for 60 km
  • River Benoué, starting from Lagdo Dam up to Nigeria border, representing 140 km
  • River Dja, section Ndongo - Moloundou, 116 km
  • River Ngoko, starting from Ndongo up to DRC border
  • River Sangha, from Libongo to Congo border
  • Finally River Benoué, section between Garoua port to the Nigeria border for 80 km.

For more information on government and port and waterway company contact details, please see the following links:

4.1 Cameroon Government Contact List

4.4 Cameroon Port and Waterways Company Contact List

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