1 Comoros Country Profile

Comoros Country Profile

Comoros Country Map

Generic Information

Comoros, officially the Union of the Comoros, is an island country in the Indian Ocean located at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel, off the eastern coast of Africa, between north-eastern Mozambique, the French region of Mayotte and north-western Madagascar. Other countries close to the Comoros are Tanzania in the north-west and Seychelles in the northeast. The capital and largest city is Moroni on Grande Comore. The Union of Comoros has three official languages: Comorian, French and Arabic. The religion of the majority of the population is Sunni Islam.

With 1,660 km2, Comoros is the fourth smallest country in Africa. The population is estimated at 850,000 (Grande Comore 590’000, Anjouan 185,000, and Mohéli 75’000). As a nation formed at a crossroads of different civilisations, the archipelago is noted for its diverse culture and history, first inhabited by Bantu speakers who came from East Africa, supplemented by Arab and Austronesian immigration.

The  sovereign state is an archipelago consisting of three major islands and numerous smaller islands, all located in the volcanic Comoro Islands. The major islands are commonly known by their French name: Grande Comore (Ngazidja), Moheli (Mwali) and Anjouan (Nzwani). In addition, the country has a claim on a fourth island, Mayotte (Maore), located in the extreme south-east of the country which is currently administered by France (as an overseas department).

The Comoros is a member state of the African Union, the Francophonie, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League (of which it is the most southern state, and the only Member State with a tropical climate and entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere) and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC).

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Wikipedia information for Comoros

IMF information for Comoros

Economist Intelligence Unit information for Comoros*

(*note - this is a paid service)

Humanitarian Information

Comoros United Nation Development Programme information:

Comoros United Nations Children's Fund information: 

Plateforme d’intervention régionale de l’océan Indien (PIROI) information:

Facts and Figures

Wolfram Alpha information on Comoros

World Bank information on Comoros

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