3.3 Senegal Additional Service Providers

Senegal Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For details of additional service provider contacts, please see the following link: 4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Vehicle Rental

Prices vary from company and type of car. But you can find an economic car for 30 to 40 $ per day plus kms.

For contact details please see the following link4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Taxi Companies 

Available in most towns; fares are metered. Rates increase after midnight. It is cheaper and  safe to hail a taxi in the street than arrange to be collected from the hotel. Bush taxis are good for journeys into the interior.

For contact details please see the following link4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Freight Forwarding Agents

For contact details please see the following link4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Handling Equipment 

For contact details please see the following link: 4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Electricity and Power 

For contact details please see the following link4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Following institutional reform in 1998, Senegal's electricity sector was split into three entities: Senelec, the national utility, the Agency for Rural Electrification (Agence Sénégalaise d'Electrification Rurale, ASER) and the Electricity Regulatory Board (Commission de Régulation au Secteur de l'Electricité, CRSE). Electricity generation, mainly on a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) basis, is open to the private sector, and Senelec, the sole buyer, signs power purchase contracts with independent power producers (IPPs). The General Electric/GTI Dakar IPP, which supplies approximately 20 percent of Senelec’s electrical needs, was commissioned in 1998. It has an installed capacity of 56 MW. On-line since January 2008, the second IPP Kounoune 1 has an installed capacity of 67.5 MW. Senegal's major source of electricity is mostly diesel and gas, with an installed capacity of 633 MW. Some hydroelectricity generated from the Manantali Dam in Mali is split between Senegal, Mali and Mauritania. Manantali has an installed capacity of 200 MW dispatched as follows: 52% for Mali, 15% for Mauritania and 33% for Senegal (66 MW).

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

Bel Air




Cap des Biches




Sites regionaux Thermal + Gaz 49,6 49,6
Production privée Hydro + Thermal 218.3 218.3

[1] E.g. Hydroelectric power, Thermal power…

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

For contact details please see the following link4.8 Senegal Additional Service Provision Contact List

Internet use in Senegal has also been booming for the last years, especially in Dakar, but also beyond the capital, where an impressing telecom infrastructure has been created. As prices for broadband installation and services rapidly are going down, a bigger segment of the population uses the Internet at work and at home. Standard broadband subscriptions cost around $80 for installation and $40 a month, while even cheaper deals can be found.

The real boom in Internet - reaching a large part of population - is however attributed to Senegal's large and ever-growing number of telecentres or cybercafes, which combine telephone and fax services with Internet renting at a low price. Renting a computer connected to the web normally does not costs more than franc CFA 300 ($ 0.60) an hour. Uses vary from e-mail communication to news reading, chatting, games and multi-media usage, and costumers include almost all social layers.

Internet service is widely available in Dakar and other towns either for private subscription or through Senegal’s extensive network of “telecentres” and Internet cafes.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)

 ADSL, GPRS, V-SAT, Mobile

Approximate Rates





Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth

1.24 gigabytes a second

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