4.3 Tunisia Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List

The food sector is the sector with the highest number of requirements to demonstrate the quality and safety of its products. This is why it is necessary to work with a laboratory which has the most advanced techniques, and which is accredited at the maximum international level as well as with specialists who provide differential solutions to improve methods and product conservation., food security, etc.

Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List

Link of List of the Agro-food in Tunisia: https://www.europages.fr/entreprises/Tunisie/laboratoire-agro--alimentaire.html

Link of List of accredited analysis laboratories in Tunisia : http://www.arso-caco.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Maghreb-Region-Liste_laboratoire_Acredite.pdf

List of Microbiology analysis laboratories: http://www.ctaa.com.tn/prestations/analyses-et-essais/laboratoire-danalyses-microbiologiques/

List of Companies - Analysis of food products – Tunisia: https://tn.kompass.com/a/analyse-de-produits-alimentaires/8581010/

List of Companies - Analysis of food products – Tunisia: http://www.pasteur.tn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=185&Itemid=545

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