2 Comoros Logistics Infrastructure

The logistics infrastructures and services of the Comoros are not well developed and aging. They are suffering of the lack of public or private investment and are not meeting international minimum standards.

Each of the three islands has a small international airport allowing for return trips to Mecca or neighbouring countries, but the only one offering long-haul flights is Moroni which is connected to Europe and Africa by regular flights.

Similarly for ports, each of the three islands has a port but only those of Moroni and Mutsamudu are containerized and called by international liners, while the island of Mohélie is supplied by the two others, which accentuates the precariousness of its inhabitants.

Basic logistical services (transport, equipment rental or warehousing companies) are very little developed, if not non-existent; each company or organization has its own fleet of equipment and storage facilities.

The General Directorate of Civil Security (DGSC) is a long-standing partner of the United Nations agencies and has been given a number of equipment and warehouses that can be made available to the international community in the event of a natural disaster.

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