3 Comoros Services and Supply

The service sector remains largely underdeveloped due to the low standard of living of the population and it remains confined almost exclusively to Moroni. Private companies adapt their products according to the purchasing power of consumers (according to the World Bank, in 2014, more than 65% of the population lived below the poverty line with less than $ 1.90 a day). Apart from the banking or telephony services that recently opened the market to a foreign company, the services sector in the Comoros is struggling to attract foreign investment.

In Moroni, a few service companies exist but they lack resources and often propose limited offers at prices well beyond the market. Faced with this lack of structures, the main companies in the country are adapting by investing in their own infrastructures and equipment according their need (equipment, transport, security, electricity, water reserves, etc.).

Fuel prices are set by the government, and redistribution is managed by the private sector without any monitoring or quality control. No major shortages have been recorded, although local shortages may occur from time to time.

The industrial sector is non-existent in the Comoros.

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