1.3 Senegal Customs Information

Senegal Customs Information

Decree 83504 of 17 May 1983 article 24 and 25 exonerates all the food aid intended for the state of Senegal. In case of Emergency the Government of Senegal grants to UN Agencies and NGOs exemption from taxes and duties on materials, equipment, facilities and services imported or purchased on the national territory for carrying out their programs with the exception of fuels and lubricants.

For details on Senegal customs information, please see the following link: Senegal Customs Administration

Duties and Tax Exemption

Information on duties and tax exemption unavailable.

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 4.1 Senegal Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes 10Mar1976

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes 21Mar2006 

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)

Yes 20Nov1998

Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

Decree 83504 of 17 May 1983 article 24 and 25 exonerates all the food aid intended for the state of Senegal. In case of Emergency the Government of Senegal grants to UN Agencies and NGOs exemption from taxes and duties on materials, equipment, facilities and services imported or purchased on the national territory for carrying out their programs with the exception of fuels and lubricants. Code des Douanes du Sénégal : Law N° 87-47, 28 December 1987

These two mechanisms also facilitate the customs clearance during Emergencies: DEP: Déclaration d’enlèvement provisoire et APE, Autorisation provisoire d’enlèvement, are simplified declarations that allowed in case of Emergency to the economic actor, to retrieve the imported material from the custom and regularize it within 15 days.

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

As per the agreement signed with the Government of  Senegal, UN Agencies are exempted from all Import/Export taxes, including the VAT. However, a waiver should be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Non Governmental Organizations

The Government of Senegal grants to NGOs exemption from taxes and duties on materials, equipment, facilities and services imported or purchased on the national territory for carrying out their programs with the exception of fuels and lubricants.  The Government of Senegal grants to NGOs temporary tax and custom free use of vehicles acquired locally or imported for the implementation of their programs and the exemption of the annual tax on vehicles (vignette).

 The tax and customs that the host agreement entitles are those related to the implementation of investment program signed between the government and NGOs.  The objects and personal effects being used for more than six (06) months of non-Senegalese officials of NGOs, their spouses and family members are admitted free of duties and taxes of equivalent effect. This exemption is granted within a period not exceeding six (06) months from the date of first installation

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

To get the exemption, the concerned persons must produce in support of their declaration of import:

  1. A certificate of residence change signed by the consulate or the embassy of the country of origin;
  2. Aan inventory retailed of the effects, dated and signed by their care, accompanied by a certified attestation by which, they declare that the objects belong to them;
  3. An attestation of service  delivered by the NGO that uses them.

Process to be followed (step by step or flowchart)

For NGO’S:

  1. The NGO should be registered by the Government
  2. The NGO should present an investment plan to determine its  intention and needs in importation during its stay in the Country ( a list must be include with value of material and quantity).
  3. The plan has to be approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior.
  4. Once approved the plan can be sent to the customs and the material approved by the Government will be exempted of taxes.

For UN agency:

  1. The UN agency must have a Headquarter Agreement with the Government/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  2. The exemption request has to be address to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  3. In each importation, the Agency must provide the follow documents: Verbal note, invoice, and TE, Exemption Title fill and signed by the Agency.

Note: Each Government/organisation agreement is different. So the exemption conditions can vary from an organisation to another.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Information regarding exemption certificate document requirements unavalible

Customs Clearance

For information regarding customs details, please see the following link: Senegal Customs Information

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements




Prohibited Items


General Restrictions

Fuel and lubricants

Customs Clearance Document Requirements


Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate














AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents







Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates







Packing Lists







Phytosanitary Certificate











- - - -
ARTP Authorisation - - - - - X
Visa from General SEN Pharmacy - - X - - -
BSC (Bordereau de suivi de cargaison) X X X X X X

Additional Notes


Transit Regime

For Food Aid directed to other CO passing trough Senegal, usually the transit procedure is chosen. The receiving CO, must assure that on the B/L accompanying the Cargo is stated “Cargo in transit to…”  In this way the receiving CO will pay only for the handling fees at Dakar Port (usually lower than for food direct to Senegal) and will obtain a Custom escort until the border. Then all the Custom Clearance procedures will be executed with the custom authorities of the receiving country. Normally neither Senegal Country Office nor Regional Bureau are involved in this procedure, as the operation is carried out by the Forwarding Agent charged by WFP receiving CO.

For information on Senegal Customs Information by Entry Points, please see the following document: Senegal Customs Information by Entry Points Additional Information

'Note: The information provided in the attached document, which has been taken from the old LCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.'

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