3.5.1 Cameroon Food Suppliers

In Cameroon the northern regions (Adamawa, North and Far North) are the main cereal producers, maize and sorghum mainly. These are the basic food consumption in this part of the country. The quantity of cereals produced within these 3 regions during the harvest is sufficient to feed the population, but a large quantity is exported to Nigeria. Prices increase in the local market during the dry season.  

Procurement activities are mostly undertaken in Northern Cameroon (Adamoua, North and Far-North Regions) for cereals. Beans are mainly procured in the West Province.

For more information on contact details of food suppliers, please see the following link: 4.10 Cameroon Supplier Contact List

Additional information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For more specific and detailed overviews of food availability and market conditions, please consult the following sources:

WFP Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping (VAM)

USAID Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)

**For non-FOOD products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

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