2.1 Colombia Port Assessment

Colombia has four major ports, of which Barranquilla, Cartagena and Santa Marta are located on the Atlantic coast and Buenaventura at the Pacific. Atlantic coast ports connect the country with Central America, North America and Europe while Buenaventura serves the trade with the west coasts of the Americas and Asia. Cartagena qualifies as a transshipment hub for containers. The entrance channels to Barranquilla and Buenaventura are subjected to sedimentation, restrictions to vessels’ draft might apply.

Additionally, to the major terminals both Colombian coasts feature a large number of private jetties and small port facilities for (mostly) local trade, e.g.: Puerto Zuniga, Puerto Prodeco, Pozos Colorados, Puerto Bolivar, Cienaga, Turbo, Pindo, Tumaco, San Andres Island and Tolu.

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