Vanuatu - 3 Logistics Services and Supply

Services and Supply 

The following sections contain information about the logistics services available in Vanuatu. 

Vanuatu is an agriculture-based economy in which about 80% of the population depends entirely on subsistence agriculture for their daily sustenance and well-being. Although the other 20% reside in the urban areas, most still rely on agricultural products from market centres for their daily source of nutrients. Most of Vanuatu’s agricultural food production is threatened by exposure to natural disasters and climate change is likely to intensify these threats. 

Vanuatu may not have sufficient services and supplies to accommodate a nationwide large-scale disaster. Port Vila and Santo have a few big food and hardware suppliers. However, non-food items (NFIs) cannot be pre-positioned in the quantities that are needed for a major response because weather conditions mean these can deteriorate if not rotated through stores quickly. During an emergency response, the National Disaster Management Office engages the private sector directly for supply of relief items (food and NFIs) and transportation (land, sea and air). 

The Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is Vanuatu’s National Private Sector Organisation and represents the private sector in dialogue with Government and other stakeholders. All businesses with a valid Vanuatu business license are automatically VCCI members. 

The Vanuatu Business Resilience Council (VBRC) is the Vanuatu private sector vehicle and coordinator for climate change and disaster risk and reduction management. VBRC builds the disaster risk management capabilities of the private sector. 

Disclaimer: WFP and the Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse or comment on any company’s suitability as a reputable service provider. 


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