El Salvador
El Salvador - 3.3 Manual Labour

According to the Survey of Households and Multiple Purposes conducted in 2022, the working-age population (PET) represents 75.5% (4,995,745) of the total population of El Salvador, that is, young people aged 16 and over, who according to the socioeconomic reality of the country are suitable to join productive activities. When analyzing the PET by age groups, it is observed that 50.8% are in the range of 16 to 39 years; in the range of 40 to 59 years represents 30.4% of the PET, while people 60 years and older represent 18.8%. The Economically Active Population (EAP), which is defined as the part of the PET that carries out some economic activity or offers its labor force to the labor market, is made up of 62.7% at the level. On the other hand, the PEA is composed of 64.6% of urban areas, while people residing in rural areas represent 35.4%. 

As of December 2018, El Salvador had 1049 public sector unions, 997 private sector unions. Most of them are active.  

There are few companies that provide outsourcing or casual labor services. WFP has a list of 11 companies. 

 Labour Rate(s) Overview 


(Local Currency & USD - $) 

Rate as of JUN 2019 

Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour) 

AVG USD  6.58 

No Data Available 

Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour) 

AVG USD 11.55 

No Data Available 

Skilled Worker 

AVG USD 25.16 

No Data Available 






In July 2021, it was agreed to increase minimum wages in El Salvador, the salaries are as follow:  





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