2.3.7 Zambia Border Crossing of Victoria Falls


This border post does not see a lot of activity. Very little parking space is available for trucks except along the roadside due to proximity to Victoria Falls tourist area. An average of 50 trucks per day cross both ways with about a 1-2 hour wait when all documentation is correct. The Zambian Govt has issued a statutory instrument (SI) to restrict the axle load passing through the Victoria falls bridge to  less than 18 tons. The move has been necessitated by the reduced life span of the Victoria Falls Bridge which could be due for rehabilitation any time soon. Heavier traffic will be rerouted to Kazungula border post once the bridge at Kazungula has been commissioned.

Roads are made of tarmac and access is good. The dry port is in Livingstone where many trucks conduct all the clearing process and have ample parking space prior to crossing at the Victoria Falls Border Post. This same dry port provides service for trucks crossing at Kazungula. The waiting time is approximately a full day if all documentation is complete and correct, including time spent at the Victoria Falls Border Post.  

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Zambia and Zimbabwe: Victoria Falls Border Post

Province or District

Livingstone District, Southern Province

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Livingstone (1 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)

Contact Person

Hendrix Mugalu, Station Manager (+260 977480458, +260 969304563)

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Livingstone – Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport (14 km)

Truck Travel Time: 0.5 hrs

Car Travel time: 0.5 hrs

Nearest Port

Durban, South Africa (1,880 km)

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Livingstone: (1 km)

Truck Travel Time: Border Post is in Livingstone.

Car Travel time: Border Post is in Livingstone.

Other Information

Roads are made of tarmac and in good condition.  This border post is quiet with a half day waiting expected when all the documentation presented is correct.  There is little to no parking for trucks except along the main road. Fuel is easily available.  

Hours of Operation

Every day regardless of holidays or season

06:00 – 18:00

Daily Capacity

This border post is very quiet. There is very little parking space for trucks except along the roadside due to proximity to the Victoria Falls tourist area. An average of 100 trucks per day cross both ways (40 exiting and 60 entering) with about a 1-2 hour wait when all documentation is correct. Roads are made of tarmac and access is good.

Customs Clearance

Delays occur when documentation is incomplete. Documentation requirements for food (cereals):

  1. Waybill
  2. Export permit (dependent on commodity)
  3. Certificate of Origin (COMESA/SADC)
  4. Fumigation certificate
  5. Export schedule (in case of Maize)
  6. Invoice
  7. Phytosanitary certificate

Electronic pre-clearance possible and recommended through forwarding agent. A bond is held by the agent for fees. The ZRA is the Regulatory Authority. Inspection is required for import and export by the Ministry of Agriculture and the ZRA. A fee of USD 100 per foreign registered trucks and ZMW 196 for Zambian trucks. All trucks are subject to inspection upon entering or leaving the country.

For more information on customs in Zambia, please see the following link: 1.3 Zambia Customs Information.

Other Relevant Information

The dry port is in Livingstone where many trucks conduct all the clearing process and have ample parking prior to crossing at the Victoria Falls Border Post. This same dry port provides service for trucks crossing at Kazungula. The waiting time is approximately a full day if all documentation is complete and correct including time at the Victoria Falls Border Post.  GPS coordinates for Dry Port are S 17.86228, E 025.85518.

Food is inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Victoria Falls Border Post, PO Box 65077 Livingstone, Tel: +260 211383900, email:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Zambia Government Contact List.


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