2.3.16 Zambia Border Crossing of Chanida


This border post has a steady volume of traffic and in recent years because of the border upgrade towards one stop border point, Chanida has seen an increased volume of trucks using the border. The access from the T4 via the T6 highway is of broken tarmac from Katete and for 54 Kms though there are plans underway to work on the access road.  Most truck cargo is transiting to Beira or Nacala Port in Mozambique.  Clearance with all correct documentation and pre-alerts, takes approximately 3 hours if there are no queries from customs   

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Zambia: Chanida Border Post

Mozambique: Cassacatiza

Province or District

Eastern Province

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing


Katete (54 km)

Chadiza (30 km )





Managing Authority / Agency

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)

Contact Person

Mr Andrew Simwanza, Station Manager, Mobile: +260 977 268111

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Mfuwe International Airport (264 km)

Truck Travel Time: 5.5 hrs

Car Travel time: 2.5 hrs

Nearest Port

Beira, Mozambique (987 km)

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Katete (54 km)

Truck Travel Time:2hrs

Car Travel time:1hr

Chadiza (30 km)

Truck travel time: 1.5 hrs

Car Travel time: 1 hr

Other Information

The access road  from the T4 via the T6 highway is made of tarmac broken for 54 km from Katete. Most truck cargo is transiting to Beira or the Nacala Port in Mozambique. Transit time to Beira is approx. 2 – 3 days

Hours of Operation

Every day regardless of holidays or season

06:00 – 18:00

Daily Capacity

This border post has a steady volume of traffic with over 100 trucks crossing per day during peak season and has the ability to accept a higher volume. 

Customs Clearance

Delays occur when documentation is incomplete. 

Documentation requirements for exports food (cereals):

  1. Waybill
  2. Export permit (dependant on commodity)
  3. Certificate of Origin (COMESA/SADC)
  4. Fumigation certificate
  5. Export schedule (in case of Maize)
  6. Invoice
  7. Phytosanitary certificate

Electronic pre-clearance is possible and recommended through a forwarding agent.  A bond is held by the agent for a fee. The ZRA is the regulatory authority. The Ministry of Agriculture and the ZRA require inspections of all cargo imported and exported. A fee of 100 USD per foreign registered truck and 196 ZMW for Zambian trucks. All trucks are subject to inspection upon entering or leaving the dry port facilities.

For more information on customs in Zambia, please see the following link: 1.3 Zambia Customs Information.

Other Relevant Information

Food is inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Health inspectors are present at the border. Other clearing agents present; Bollore, H&D, CML.                                                                                        

Truck parks, parking space facilities still very limited. But developments are underway. There are no warehousing facilities despite the border having huge potential for transit cargo. The border mostly facilitates imports of fertilizer and other medical goods mainly imported by USAID. As part of exports, the border facilitates movement of copper to the port of beira in Mozambique. Beira port is approximately 1000Km from Chanida border. Haulage of copper by the mines prefers this route because of its security stability unlike the Durban corridor. Chanida border also is the processing center for small border posts like Lusuntha in Lundazi district.

Contacts: Chanida Border Post, PO Box 550015 Katete, Tel: +260 211381960, email:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Zambia Government Contact List.

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