2.2 Peru Aviation

Key airport information may also be found at:

General Directorate of Civil Aviation

It is the technical regulatory body at the national level exercised by the Civil Aviation Authority of Peru; it is responsible for regulating, monitoring, supervising, sanctioning, as well as developing strategies to ensure that civil aeronautical activities and civil air navigation achieve a level of acceptable operational safety within international standards. It depends on the Vice-Ministerial Office of Transport of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The directorates or organic units dependent on the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics are the following:

Directorate of Aeronautical Regulation, Promotion and Development

Responsible for the formulation of standards, regulations and other provisions related to civil aeronautics and airport infrastructure activities. It promotes the development of civil aviation in Peru and proposes policies for entering the commercial aviation market.

  • Peruvian Aeronautical Regulations (RAP)
  • Complementary Technical Standards (NTC)
  • Advisory Circulars (CA)
  • Pre Publications
  • Technical Manuals

Directorate of Certifications and Authorizations

In charge of the evaluation and management of the authorization and supervision of the operation of the aircraft in the Peruvian airspace. Manages and grants traffic rights and monitors their compliance. It proposes commercial air policies, certifies aerodromes and related services.

  • Licenses
  • Certified and / or Authorized Companies
  • List of Type Certificate
  • Authorization of Schools and Training Centers
  • Revocations

Aeronautical Safety Directorate

Responsible for the surveillance, supervision and control of compliance with safety standards and the provision of air navigation services. It grants, validates and renews the certificates of technical suitability of aeronautical personnel and material, aeronautical operators and other related parties. Collaborates in the investigation of civil aviation accidents.

  • National Air Navigation Plan (PNNA)
  • Aviation Security and Dangerous Goods
  • Airworthiness Inspector Manual
  • Operations Inspector Manual
  • Circular Trades
  • Aerodrome Integrity Data Verification

Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (General Directorate of Civil Aviation)

Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones

Address: Jr. Zorritos N° 1203 LIMA 15082

Telephone: (511) 615 7966: (511) 615 7800 extension 1173



Dirección de Seguridad Aeronáutica (Directorate of Aeronautical Security)

Address: Jr. Zorritos N° 1203 LIMA 15082

Telephone: (511) 615 7450 extension 1392: (511) 615 7800 extension 1372

Coordinación Técnica de Navegación Aérea (Technical Coordination of Air Navigation)

Telephone: (511) 615 7881

Telefax: (511) 615 7869


Dirección de Authorizations y Certificaciones (Directorate of Authorizations and Certifications)

Address: Jr. Zorritos N° 1203 LIMA 15082

Telephone: (511) 615 7850: (511) 615 7800 extension 1192, 1391, 1390, And 1392

Donald Castillo Gallegos

Director General


Telephone: (511) 615 7800, Extension 1173, 1208

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.5 Airport Companies Contact List.

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Entry Requirements and Permits of Peru

(Extracted from the Peruvian Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Gen 1.2, Entry, Transit, and Departure of Aircraft)

The RAP - Aeronautical Regulations of Peru that are mentioned are available and permanently updated on the Internet:

Flight Permits

  1. Literal g) of article 9 and numeral 88.2 of article 88 of Law No. 27261, Civil Aeronautics Law of Peru (05.10.2000).
  2. Articles 170, 178, 179 and 180 of the Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Law, approved by Supreme Decree No. 050-2001-MTC (12/26/2001)
    1. Request addressed to the Director of Certifications and Authorizations (DCA) of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), detailing: Type of activity to be carried out, routes and frequencies or areas of operation, base and sub bases of operation, type and brand of the aircraft (s) that will be used in the activity and term for which the flight permit is requested.
    2. Simple copy of the aircraft registration certificate or in the case of national aircraft, indicate in the application, the registration number in which the aircraft is registered.
    3. Simple copy of the airworthiness certificate in the case of foreign registration aircraft.
    4. Simple copy of the corresponding insurance certificate.
    5. In the case of a national license: License number of the technical crew. In the case of a foreign license: simple copy of the crewmember’s license.
    6. Simple copy of the Air Operator Certificate (AOC - Air Operator Certificate) or equivalent document and technical specifications of the operation approved by the competent aeronautical authority, if applicable (Commercial Aviation).
    7. Indicate the day of payment and the number of proof of payment.
      1. Gliders, ultra-light aircraft and aircraft up to 1000 kg of empty weight. - S /. 497.00
      2. Aircraft from 1001 kg to 7000 kg of empty weight. - S /. 976.20
      3. Aircraft from 7001 kg to 30,000 kg of empty weight. - S /. 1,633.00
      4. Aircraft of 30,000 kg or more, empty weight. - S /. 3,266.00
      5. Non-commercial operations such as Ferry, Transfer, Ambulance, Technical Stopovers, etc. - Free

NOTE: Simple copies of the documents are required if they are not in the possession of the DGAC. The deadline to resolve the flight permits is 30 regular calendar days.

All the procedures are presented in the Office of Citizen Services and Document Management, of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, I quote in Jiron Zorritos 1203, Lima.



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