Central African Republic
4.5 Central African Republic Fuel Provider Contact List


Company Physical Address Name & Title Email Phone Number (Office) Phone Number (mobile) Fax Number Description of Service Provided
 TOTAL AVENUE DE L'INDEPENDANCE - BANGUI Directeur Administratif et Juridique sylvain.wabangue@total-rca.com ; sylvain.wabangue@totaloxygen.onmicrosoft.com No information No information No information Fuel provider
Sylvain Wabangue
 TRADEX AVENUE DAVID DACKO, BANGUI Directeur Commercial Longin.bimai@tradexsa.com +236 21 61 46 68 +236 72 26 85 85 +236 21 61 46 68 Fuel provider
Alfred Longmin Bimai longinn@hotmail.com
SARPD-OIL BANGUI Responsable commercial No information No information No information No information Fuel provider - But fuel stations closed since January 2018 due to technical problems with the fuel tanks.
Jean Martin Arthur OMENDANDO
TRI-STAR BANGUI Responsable Commercial - Ramesh. V vm.ramesh@tristar-transport.com No information +236 72 75 52 42 No information Fuel provider

rj.jacob@tristar-transport.com +236 72 62 29 22

BOCOM BANGUI Jean Pierre Tchoutezo Jtchoutezo@groupebocom.com No information +236 72 68 80 46 4ème Arr, l'avenue Koudoukou en face de l'église Notre Dame d'Afrique Fuel provider
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