3.1 Afghanistan Fuel

As a net importer of petroleum fuels, and where long distances and poor transport infrastructure add to the cost of the imports, Afghanistan is vulnerable to fuel price shocks on the international market. Increases in the prices of fuel have a serious impact on households, small businesses and macroeconomic growth. In this way security of petroleum fuel supply and stability of prices ultimately have a significant impact upon livelihoods and economic growth.

At the top of the chain, the fuel market is dominated by a very small number of large players. At the opposite end of the chain, there are very large numbers of small players making very small margins. In Kabul, diesel generators are often used to produce the cities electricity at base and at peak times. In Kandahar, a very high percentage of emergency electricity is supplied this way, making it some of the most expensive electricity per kilowatt in the world.

Low-quality fuel specifications and adulteration of fuel pose serious public health risks to the Afghan population in terms of urban pollution as well as accidents. The efficiency and life span of engines is also reduced by these practices. Smuggling of fuel over the porous border with Iran is reported, where petrol and diesel are heavily subsidized and therefore have a much lower retail price than in Afghanistan. This smuggling is mostly conducted by a large number of small players, from who the fuel is then bought and mixed by wholesalers, although this practice is reported to be reducing. Routes for importing fuel into Afghanistan have been, and continue to be, tied up with Afghanistan’s geopolitics.

In Afghanistan, there has been no reported shortage of availability of fuel in the country over the last 20 years, however price increases due to the seasonality and security context have reported. Fuel is mostly imported into Afghanistan from Central Asia in the north (specifically Turkmenistan – supplies approx. 75% of total fuel imports) and Iran in the west (supplies approx. 25% of total fuel imports).

Information may also be found at the following website which is updated monthly: My Travel Cost Website

Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: December 2021 (US$/ltr) for Kabul

Petrol (per litre)


Diesel (per litre)


Paraffin (per litre)


Jet A1 (per litre)

1.18 (November 2021)

Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?


Is there a rationing system?


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized?


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs?


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs?


Fuel Transportation

Fuel tankers are widely available both from neighbouring countries and through local transporters. Seasonal constraints related to road accessibility and storage exist as well as access concerns related to insecurity.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel?


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft?


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks?


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment?


Standards Authority
Is there a national or regional standards authority? Yes
If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? Yes
Testing Laboratories
Are there national testing laboratories? Yes

Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA)




Industrial Parks Area, Jalalabad Road, Kabul 


+93(0) 20 232 1048


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Red Star Co., Afghan National Fuel Co., Arrow Ltd., and Ghazanfar Co.




In Kabul and some border cities (Hairatan, Islamqala, Toorghundi, & Toorkham)





For information on Afghanistan fuel contact details, please see the following link:4.2.6 Afghanistan Fuel Provider Contact List.

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