2.3.2 Panama Border Crossing with Colombia


Panama limits to the east with the Republic of Colombia, and does not have an established legal border crossing to manage conventional cargo.  Nonetheless, the Quarantine Directorate of the Ministry of Agricultural Development has several control and monitoring checkpoints throughout the border sector of the Province of Panama with the Province of Darien, in order to determine the phyto- and zoo-sanitary measures of the livestock and others transiting through the area.

It’s worth mentioning that the stretch of jungle between Panama and Colombia is known as “El Tapón del Darien, typically known for its great immigrant activity as well as great risks for emigrants due to the lack of drinking  water, exposure to the natural elements,  abuse, theft and exploitation. During 2019, people that crossed Darien, belonged to more than 50 different nationalities, the majority were heading towards the United States or Canada.

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