2.3.1 Philippines - Luzon Road Network

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 1)


 Clark, Angeles City

Subic, Olongapo City

Dagupan City

San Fernando, La Union

Vigan City

Laoag City


93 km

161 km

223 km

273 km

410 km

488 km

Clark, Angeles City

93 km

68 km

130 km

180 km

317 km

395 km

Subic, Olongapo City 

161 km

68 km

62 km

112 km

249 km

327 km

Dagupan City 

223 km

130 km

62 km

50 km

187 km

265 km

San Fernando, La Union

273 km

180 km

112 km

50 km

137 km

215 km


410 km

317 km

249 km

187 km

137 km

78 km

Laoag City 

488 km

395 km

327 km

265 km

215 km

78 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 2)

Manila Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija* Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya Santiago City, Isabela Ilagan City, Isabela Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Aparri, Cagayan

167 km 303 km 364 km 442 km 491 km 594 km
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija (Region 3)* 167 km

136 km 197 km 275 km 324 km 427 km
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 303 km 136 km

61 km 139 km 188 km 291 km
Santiago City, Isabela 364 km 197 km 61 km

78 km 127 km 230 km
Ilagan City, Isabela 442 km 275 km 139 km 78 km

49 km 152 km
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 491 km 324 km 188 km 127 km 49 km

103 km
Aparri, Cagayan 594 km 427 km 291 km 230 km 152 km 103 km

*Cabanatuan City is a major jump-off point to Region 2 cities.

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 3 and Route to Cordillera Administrative Region)


 Malolos, Bulacan

San Fernando, Pampanga

Tarlac City, Tarlac

Baguio City

Bontoc, Mountain Province

Tabuk, Kalinga

Kabugao, Apayao


48 km

70 km

137 km

253 km

395 km

471 km

595 km

Malolos, Bulacan

48 km

22 km

89 km

205 km

347 km

423 km

547 km

San Fernando, Pampanga

70 km

22 km

67 km

183 km

325 km

401 km

525 km

Tarlac City, Tarlac

137 km

89 km

67 km

116 km

258 km

334 km

458 km

Baguio City

253 km

205 km

183 km

116 km

142 km

218 km

342 km

Bontoc, Mountain Province

395 km

347 km

325 km

258 km

142 km

76 km

200 km

Tabuk, Kalinga

471 km

423 km

401 km

334 km

218 km

76 km

124 km

Kabugao, Apayao

595 km

547 km

525 km

458 km

342 km

200 km

124 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (Aurora)


Cabarroguis, Quirino

Baler, Aurora

Casiguran, Aurora


375 km

291 km

376 km

Cabarroguis, Quirino

375 km

156 km

145 km

Baler, Aurora

291 km

156 km

85 km

Casiguran, Aurora

376 km

145 km

85 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns

(This route will lead to the island of Mindoro via Batangas Port RORO)


Calamba, Laguna

Santo Tomas, Batangas

Lipa City, Batangas

Batangas Port, Batangas City

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro


55 km

70 km

104 km

129 km

216 km

304 km

404 km

Calamba, Laguna

55 km

15 km

49 km

74 km

161 km

249 km

349 km

Santo Tomas, Batangas

70 km

15 km

34 km

59 km

146 km

234 km

334 km

Lipa City, Batangas

104 km

49 km

34 km

25 km

112 km

200 km

300 km

Batangas Port, Batangas City

129 km

74 km

59 km

25 km

87 km

175 km

275 km

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

216 km

161 km

146 km

112 km

87 km

88 km

188 km

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

304 km

249 km

234 km

200 km

175 km

88 km

100 km

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

337 km

282 km

267 km

233 km

208 km

188 km

100 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns

(This route will lead to the island of Samar via Matnog Port RORO)


Lucena City, Quezon

Naga, Camarines Sur

Tabaco City, Albay

Legazpi City, Albay

Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

Matnog Port, Sorsogon


133 km

382 km

473 km

501 km

557 km

621 km

Lucena City, Quezon

133 km

249 km

340 km

368 km

424 km

488 km

Naga, Camarines Sur

382 km

249 km

91 km

119 km

175 km

239 km

Tabaco City, Albay

473 km

340 km

91 km

28 km

84 km

148 km

Legazpi City, Albay

501 km

368 km

119 km

28 km

56 km

120 km

Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

557 km

424 km

175 km

84 km

56 km

64 km

Matnog Port, Sorsogon

621 km

488 km

239 km

148 km

120 km

64 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns

(This route will lead to the island of Catanduanes via Tabaco Port RORO)


Lucena City, Quezon

Naga, Camarines Sur

Tabaco City, Albay

Virac, Catanduanes


133 km

382 km

473 km

543 km

Lucena City, Quezon

133 km

249 km

340 km

410 km

Naga, Camarines Sur

382 km

249 km

91 km

161 km

Tabaco City, Albay

473 km

340 km

91 km

70 km

Virac, Cantanduanes

543 km

410 km

161 km

70 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns

(This route will lead to the island of Marinduque via RORO in Lucena Port)


Lucena City, Quezon

Boac, Marinduque

Mogpog, Marinduque


133 km

223 km

230 km

Lucena City, Quezon

133 km

90 km

97 km

Boac, Marinduque

223 km

90 km

7 km

Mogpog, Marinduque

230 km

97 km

7 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)

(This route will lead to the island of Romblon via RORO in Roxas Port, Oriental Mindoro)


 Batangas Port, Batangas

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Roxas Port, Roxas Oriental Mindoro

Odiongan, Tablas

Romblon, Romblon


129 km

216 km

304 km

363 km

437 km

Batangas Port, Batangas

129 km

87 km

175 km

234 km

308 km

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

216 km

87 km

88 km

147 km

221 km

Roxas Port, Roxas Oriental Mindoro

304 km

175 km

88 km

59 km

133 km

Odiongan, Tablas

363 km

234 km

147 km

59 km

74 km

Romblon, Romblon

437 km

308 km

221 km

133 km

74 km

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)

(This route will lead to the island of Masbate via Pilar, Sorsogon RORO but there are also direct shipping lanes from Manila Domestic Port to Masbate)


Legazpi City, Albay

Pilar Port in Pilar, Sorsogon

Aroroy Port in Aroroy, Masbate

Masbate City, Masbate


501 km

551 km

611 km

651 km

Legazpi City, Albay

501 km

50 km

110 km

150 km

Pilar Port in Pilar, Sorsogon

551 km

50 km

60 km

100 km

Aroroy Port in Aroroy, Masbate

611 km

110 km

60 km

40 km

Masbate City, Masbate

651 km

150 km

100 km

40 km

Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 1)


Clark, Angeles City

Subic, Olongapo City 

Dagupan City

San Fernando, La Union

Vigan City

Laoag City


2 hours

3 hours

5 hours

6 hours

10 hours

12 hours

Clark, Angeles City

2 hours

1 hours

3 hours

4 hours

5 hours

7 hours

Subic, Olongapo City 

3 hours

1 hour

3 hours

4 hours

5 hours

7 hours

Dagupan City 

5 hours

3 hours

3 hours

2 hours

4 hours

5 hours

San Fernando, La Union

6 hours

4 hours

4 hours

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

Vigan City

10 hours

5 hours

5 hours

4 hours

3 hours

2 hours

Laoag City 

12 hours

7 hours

7 hours

5 hours

4 hours

2 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 2)


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Santiago City, Isabela

Ilagan City, Isabela

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Aparri, Cagayan


3 hours

5 hours

6 hours

7 hours

8 hours

11 hours

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

3 hours

3 hours

5 hours

7 hours

8 hours

10 hours

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

5 hours

3 hours

3 hours

5 hours

7 hours

8 hours

Santiago City, Isabela

6 hours

5 hours

3 hours

2 hours

4 hours

7 hours

Ilagan City, Isabela

7 hours

7 hours

5 hours

2 hours

2 hours

6 hours

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

8 hours

8 hours

7 hours

4 hours

2 hours

4 hours

Aparri, Cagayan

11 hours

10 hours

8 hours

7 hours

6 hours

4 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (Region 3 and route to Cordillera Administrative Region)


 Malolos, Bulacan

San Fernando, Pampanga

Tarlac City

Baguio City

Bontoc, Mountain Province

Tabuk, Kalinga

Kabugao, Apayao


1 hour

2 hours

4 hours

7 hours

8 hours

10 hours

12 hours

 Malolos, Bulacan

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

6 hours

7 hours

9 hours

11 hours

San Fernando, Pampanga

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

5 hours

6 hours

8 hours

10 hours

Tarlac City

4 hours

3 hours

2 hours

4 hours

5 hours

7 hours

9 hours

Baguio City

7 hours

6 hours

5 hours

4 hours

3 hours

5 hours

6 hours

Bontoc, Mountain Province

8 hours

7 hours

6 hours

5 hours

3 hours

2 hours

4 hours

Tabuk, Kalinga

10 hours

9 hours

8 hours

7 hours

5 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Kabugao, Apayao

12 hours

11 hours

10 hours

8 hours

6 hours

4 hours

2 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (Aurora)


 Cabarroguis, Quirino

Baler, Aurora

Casiguran, Aurora


6 hours

7 hours

8 hours

Cabarroguis, Quirino

6 hours

3 hours

4 hours

Baler, Aurora

7 hours

3 hours

2 hours

Casiguran, Aurora

8 hours

4 hours

2 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Mindoro via Batangas Port seacraft)


Calamba, Laguna

Santo Tomas, Batangas

Lipa City, Batangas

Batangas Port, Batangas City

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro


2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

5 hours

10 hours

13 hours

15 hours

Calamba, Laguna

2 hours

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

8 hours

11 hours

13 hours

Santo Tomas, Batangas

3 hours

1 hour

1 hour

2 hours

7 hours

10 hours

12 hours

Lipa City, Batangas

4 hours

2 hours

1 hour

1 hour

6 hours

9 hours

11 hours

Batangas Port, Batangas City

5 hours

3 hours

2 hours

1 hour

5 hours

8 hours

10 hours

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

10 hours

8 hours

7 hours

6 hours

5 hours

3 hours

5 hours

Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

13 hours

11 hours

10 hours

9 hours

8 hours

3 hours

2 hours

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

15 hours

13 hours

12 hours

11 hours

10 hours

5 hours

2 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Samar via Matnog Port seacraft)


Lucena City, Quezon

Naga, Camarines Sur

Tabaco City, Albay

Legazpi City, Albay

Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

Matnog Port in Matnog, Sorsogon


5 hours

12 hours

15 hours

18 hours

22 hours

26 hours

Lucena City, Quezon

5 hours

8 hours

11 hours

14 hours

20 hours

24 hours

Naga, Camarines Sur

12 hours

8 hours

4 hours

7 hours

13 hours

17 hours

Tabaco City, Albay

15 hours

11 hours

4 hours

2 hours

8 hours

12 hours

Legazpi City, Albay

18 hours

14 hours

7 hours

2 hours

2 hours

8 hours

Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

22 hours

20 hours

13 hours

8 hours

2 hours

4 hours

Matnog Port in Matnog, Sorsogon

26 hours

24 hours

17 hours

12 hours

8 hours

4 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Catanduanes via Tabaco Port seacraft)


Lucena City, Quezon

Naga, Camarines Sur

Tabaco City, Albay

Virac, Catanduanes


5 hours

12 hours

15 hours

20 hours

Lucena City, Quezon

5 hours

7 hours

10 hours

15 hours

Naga, Camarines Sur

12 hours

7 hours

3 hours

5 hours

Tabaco City, Albay

15 hours

10 hours

3 hours

5 hours

Virac, Cantanduanes

20 hours

15 hours

5 hours

5 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Marinduque via Lucena Port seacraft)


Lucena City, Quezon

Boac, Marinduque

Mogpog, Marinduque


5 hours

8 hours

9 hours

Lucena City, Quezon

5 hours

3 hours

4 hours

Boac, Marinduque

8 hours

3 hours

1 hour

Mogpog, Marinduque

9 hours

4 hours

1 hour


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Romblon via Roxas Port in Oriental Mindoro)


Batangas Port, Batangas

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Roxas Port in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Odiongan, Tablas

Romblon, Romblon


5 hours

10 hours

13 hours

15 hours

18 hours

Batangas Port, Batangas

5 hours

5 hours

8 hours

10 hours

13 hours

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

10 hours

5 hours

3 hours

5 hours

8 hours

Roxas Port in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

13 hours

8 hours

3 hours

2 hours

5 hours

Odiongan, Tablas

15 hours

10 hours

5 hours

2 hours

3 hours

Romblon, Romblon

18 hours

13 hours

8 hours

5 hours

3 hours


Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (This route will lead to the island of Masbate via Pilar, Sorsogon seacraft, but has also direct shipping lanes from Manila Domestic Port to Masbate


 Batangas Port, Batangas

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Roxas Port in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Odiongan, Tablas

Romblon, Romblon


5 hours

10 hours

13 hours

15 hours

18 hours

Batangas Port, Batangas

5 hours

5 hours

8 hours

10 hours

13 hours

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

10 hours

5 hours

3 hours

5 hours

8 hours

Roxas Port in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

13 hours

8 hours

3 hours

2 hours

5 hours

Odiongan, Tablas

15 hours

10 hours

5 hours

2 hours

3 hours

Romblon, Romblon

18 hours

13 hours

8 hours

5 hours

3 hours

Road Security

There are no major issues regarding road security in Luzon. Transporters can travel 24/7 in Luzon-wide transport road network except in local governments where timed truck bans and allowable load capacity are imposed. Dalton Pass in Nueva Ecija going to Nueva Vizcaya, Isabela and Cagayan is dangerous, drivers should be careful due to zigzag and uphill road path. For information on Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) truck bans, please see the following link: 12 – 14 wheeler trucks are temporarily not allowed in the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) due to repairs made in Candaba Viaduct. Expressways will not allow vehicles with total height exceeding 7.5 meters. Please see the following link for vehicle classifications:

Toll Fees can be checked through the links below:

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

12 – 14 wheeler trucks are temporarily not allowed in NLEX due to repairs made in Candaba Viaduct. Expressway load limit for 10-wheeler (3-axle) load limit 13.5 MT. Non-expressway road networks like McArthur Highway load limits are based on truck capacity.

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