1.3 Angola Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption

4.1 Angola Government Contact List

  1. A) Angolan import duty rates were adjusted in November 2019 as per Presidential Decree 10/19 dated 29 November 2019 ( and the last rectification N. 31/20 updated in August 2020, the main change was the implementation of VAT, IEC (special consumption tax over Applicable to products harmful to health and the environment, in addition to high social costs such as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, luxury vehicles…) and the 20% duties charged over the FOB value for the exportation out of Angola except when exempted by respective sector/Ministries. The studies and execution of those reforms are under responsibility of the Administracao Geral Tributaria (AGT) which also supervises the Directorate for Customs Services responsible to ensure that Customs National Laws follows the agreed International and Regional recommendations subscribed by the Government Authorities. 
  2. B) If cargo imported by sea and if the FOB value is over USD 5000 an import license is required prior to dispatch the cargo; once the import license is obtained through a Customs broker, it must be submitted by the shipper or it forwarding agent at the origin to the CNC now called ARCCLA (Agencia Reguladora de Certifição de Carga e Logistica de Angola) in order to obtain the freight certificate and enable the customs clearance formalities upon cargo arrival in the country.

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

Ministry of Finance – Customs Agency’s website

Emergency Response:

Is covered under the Angola Customs legislation “Capitulo 98 SECTION IV” for products which due to Natural Disaster or Emergency Situation could be subject to Quota Import Regime and benefit from Exemption. Is noted under the same SECTION IV that…commodities imported due to Natural disasters or Emergency situation can be subject of Import by quotas and benefit from tax exemptions. The products under this section can only be exempted from customs taxes and consumption tax by authorization from the “Chief of the Executive” which can be granted for all or partial part of the territory….vide PDF  copy of Customs Legislation in the annex.

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes 26 SET 1990

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes, since 23 FEB 17

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)

Yes, since 13 OCT 1976

Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response): 

According to current Angola Customs legislation some companies enjoys the duties exemption by default as long as approved by respective sectors/ministries. “Except for Alcoholic products, light vehicles (not included ambulances or funerary vehicles or adopted for physically impaired persons) commodities can be waived from customs taxation. The exemption can only be granted to (I) ONG which are in line with the Decree nr. 84/02 dated 31st December (which basically refers to (I) NGO with registration updated  with Departamento de Desenvolvimento Comunitário da Direcção Nacional da Acção Social do Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher is the Institute regulator of (i)NGO activities) , recognized Churches when involved in charity activities and the Ministerio da Assistencia e Reeinsercao Social.The exemption can only be granted if commodities are donated free of charge by a national or international organization, without any commercial objective by the shipper and consignee for free distribution or to support humanitarian project activities of the imported institution.

Essential food basket composition as referred in the Angola registration (sugar, rice, wheat flour, powder milk, oil, beans, maize flour and soup Offenbach with 1,5kgs/unit) can be exempted from exemption. Also can be exempted products that benefit from Quota imports by the Ministry concerned e.g. Beans, maize flour, wheat flour, Carapau/Horse Mackerel and Portland Cement…”

In PARTE D of the CHAPTER 98 also refers that “Any type of seeds used in agriculture activities are exempted and imports regulated in specific section”.

The current legislation full detailed list of commodities and NFIs considered under the current legislation as part of merchandise benefiting from tax exemption when for humanitarian purposes e.g. blankets, agriculture tools etc.

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

Ministry of Foreigner Affairs – UN Convention which governs UN Agency status

Accord de Base Entre Le Gourvernment De Angola Et Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial ONU/FAO relative a Une Assistance Dudit Programme dated 02/12/1980

MOU signed between WFP/Angola Government – which governs rights related to Humanitarian aid. The MOU is signed with the Angolan Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social.  

Non-Governmental Organizations

Fall under Departamento de Desenvolvimento Comunitário da Direcção Nacional da Acção Social do Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher, MASFAMU

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

Ministry of Foreigner Affairs – UN Convention which governs UN Agency status

Accord de Base Entre Le Gourvernment De Angola Et Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial ONU/FAO relative a Une Assistance Dudit Programme dated 02/12/1980

MOU signed between WFP/Angola Government – which governs rights related to Humanitarian aid. The MOU is signed with the Angolan Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social.  

Non-Governmental Organizations

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure: 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

All entities required to be registered at Ministry of Finance by a formal letter to obtain the “Code of Contribuinte”/ NIF.  WFP Angola Office have been already registered.

·       Exemption of taxes for commodities currently are requested on a shipment by shipment basis.

·       Most important documents are the MOU signed with the Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social (NB: in case of vehicles the tax exemption is provided under the UN Convention document in coordination done with the Ministry of Foreigner Affairs)

Thereafter the Import Permit; Letter of donation; Invoices, copies of BLs & Certificates as most important documents to get Tax exemption. 

Process to be followed (step by step or flowchart)

TAX Exemption Steps

1) Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social Letter addressing to WFP requesting humanitarian assistance and guarantee that the Government of Angola will facilitate and support International Organizations of the UN System (ONU), ONG and Partners during their project activities in special when concerned to exemption of taxes and customs duties of products, materials and equipment, consignee to humanitarian assistance. This text is extracted from the current letter covering WFP assistance for RDC refugees in Angola.

2) After WFP acceptance, commodity shipment information is forwarded to the local WFP office which submits a request for issuance of the Import Permit to the concerned Ministry see below (NB: At this stage is necessary to have good data accuracy e.g. Commodity, Quantity, Origin, Entry Point and Mode of Transportation);

·       Agriculture commodities such as Cereals (incl. flours), Pulses addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture/Direccao National de Agricultura & Pecuaria

·       Industrial processed commodities as Oils, sugar, salt addressed to Ministry of Commerce

Salt addressed to Ministry of Fisheries/Direccao Nacional Infrastruturas da Industria Pesqueira.

3) When the Import Permit is issued WFP must forward to the local office; sailing advice if no B/L available. pro-forma Invoice; copies of certificates ORIGIN – stating best use date and/or expiry date, Phytosanitary (only relevant for agriculture products), Analysis, Health & Packing,by road a truck list covering dispatch quantity mentioned in the Import Permit - with truck registration details of drivers & cargo per truck (NB: if foreigner driver WFP (through the UN Resident Coordinator) needs to write an invitation letter for visa process); by sea general specification of shipping details to be included

4) WFP letter of donation is then stamped/signed by the Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social and Departamento de Desenvolvimento Comunitário da Direcção Nacional da Acção Social do Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher (Angola regulator of all NGOs activities),

5) WFP cover letter attaching all process is then addressed to AGT (Admnistracao Geral Tributaria) requesting their approval for Exemption of Customs tax/duties. After AGT approval ends the procedures for request of tax exemption and starts the Customs Clearance process.


6) Simultaneously to their approval of tax exemption AGT issues per truck the Import Register which should then be handed over by the WFP Customs Broker to the Customs representation at the border.

7) If cargo imported by sea WFP Customs Broker prepares and submits the DU-Documento Unico, to the CNC now called ARCCLA (Agencia Reguladora de Certifição de Carga e Logistica de Angola). The ARCCLA is responsible to issue the “freight certificate document and forward to their agent in the port of loading for verification (pre-inspection of cargo no longer mandatory). Thereafter the B/L number is inserted on the ARCCLA document signalling all ready for import shipment to proceed.

8) From the loading point WFP representative should sent a copy of the CNCA document plus 2 Original BLs and Original Certificates to the office in Angola which then are handed over to the Customs broker to; 1 set of Originals will complete the dispatch at Customs representation based in the port area and allow cargo release with a document named“Nota de Desenfaldegamento”. 2nd set of original documents are mandatory to be handed over to shipping line to obtain the Release Order.

Import of project vehicles may follow a different approach.

1) The local WFP Office receives the pro-forma/ original Commercial invoice, certificates of Origin, Packing List, copy of B/L and all documentation is handed over to WFP contracted Customs Broker.

2) WFP Customs Broker prepares and submits the DU-Documento Unico, to the ARCCLA (Agencia Reguladora de Certifição de Carga e Logistica de Angola). The ARCCLA releases the “freight certificate document “containing shipment data details to their agent based at the port of loading for verification (and pre-inspection currently not obligatory). ARCCLA document have registration of the number of the B/L.

3) At the point of loading ARCCLA agent provides a copy of the ARCCLA document which certifies their verification to WFP agent which will forward a copy to WFP Office in Angola.

4) WFP local office gathers all documentation (same as referring at point 1) plus the CNCA document received from the point of loading, and attaches to a cover letter requesting exemption of customs taxes/ duties addressee to Direccao Geral do Protocolo do Estado in the Ministry of foreigner Affairs. A similar letter and attachments are also sent to AGT after signature & stamp both by Ministerio da Assistencia e Reinsercao Social & Departamento de Desenvolvimento Comunitário da Direcção Nacional da Acção Social do Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher - Angola regulator for NGOs activities.

5) The Ministry of Foreigner Affairs expedites a letter to AGT supporting WFP request for exemption of customs taxation/duties.

6) AGT is expected to exempt from payment of taxes except 2% “emolumentos gerais” against the CIF value (invoice + insurance + freight value).

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)


NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment








AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents







Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates







Packing Lists







Certificates of Health&Analisys







Radioactivity No GMO Certificates







Other Documents







Additional Notes:

(1) For tax exemption only copies of above mentioned documents are necessary.

(2) Radio, transmitters, receivers and other devices cannot be imported without authorisation from INACOM (INSTITUTO ANGOLA DE COMUNICACOES)

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Specific For temporary Import:

The legislation that regulates norms for humanitarian cargo in its Part Q section XIX specifies that merchandise imported temporary must be declared under Customs Dispatch (Documento Unico-DU) for temporary import or of re--exportation or other procedure ruled by Customs. Also indicates that those consignments can be subject to a monetary deposit equal to the value of the import tax and other Customs charges. Exceptionally Customs may authorize temporary import without the use of the DU or deposit but a letter of responsibility written ensuring that re-exportation will be done within the framework. 



Prohibited Items

·       Used vehicles more than 6 years old.

·       Heavy vehicles more than 10 years old.

·       Genetically modified or transgenic grains and seeds, unless destined for Food Aid programs.

·       Non-iodized salt.

·       Rubber-made yo-yo water ball toys.

·       Food containing saccharine.

·       Gambling machines prohibited by law, including roulette.

·       Plants coming from areas affected by phylloxera or other epiphytic disease.

·       Pornographic material and other derived products.

·       Medicines and other generic substances harmful to public health.

·       Counterfeit literature and artistic works.

·       Counterfeit stamps.

·       Counterfeit coffee.

·       Live poultry and hatching eggs originated from Asian and European countries, due to outbreaks on highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (bird flu disease).

·       Distilled beverages containing essences or recognised harmful products such as absinthe and ether derived products.

·       Crates container various types of merchandise and showing a single marking, not presented with a declaration stipulating the quantity and total weight of crates/packs

·       Animals and by products originated from the following areas affected by epizootics: Meat of swine and by products of swine origin from South Africa due to outbreaks of classical swine fever; Live cloven hoofed animals (bovine animals, buffaloes, goats, swine, sheep, antelopes etc.) and animal products thereof, originated from the State of Mato Grosso in Brazil and its neighbouring states like Mato Grosso,Sao Paolo, Parana, Goias and Minas Gerais, due to outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

General Restrictions

Restricted Imports:

·       Cigarette papers, and other materials used in cigarette filters – Can only be imported by licence holders.

·       Medicines which containers do not state active agents – cannot be imported without authorisation from the Angolan Health Ministry.

·       Explosives intended for the mining industry.

·       Fireworks and explosives cannot be imported without the authorisation from the Ministry of Interior.

·       Pharmaceutical substances cannot be imported without authorisation from the Health Ministry.

·       Card games must be sealed as per the regulation enforced.

·       Dogs must be immunised against hydrophobia.

·       Weapons and ammunitions cannot be imported without authorisation from the Ministry of Interior.

·       Radio, transmitters, receivers and other devices cannot be imported without authorisation from INACOM (INSTITUTO ANGOLA DE COMUNICACOES)

·       Animals and by-products cannot be imported without authorisation from the veterinary entities.

·       Importation of denatured pure alcohol must be approved by the Ministry of Health.

·       Instruments to distil spirits cannot be imported without authorisation from the Cabinet.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)


NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicles & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate














AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents







Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates







Packing Lists







Phytosanitary Certificate







Certificates of Origin







Certificates of Health&Analisys







Radioactivity and NO GMO certificates







Additional Notes

·       Radio, transmitters, receivers and other devices cannot be imported without authorisation from INACOM (INSTITUTO ANGOLANO de COMUNICACOES) regarding procedures for Customs clearance please consult their website

·       Genetically modified or transgenic grains and seeds, unless destined for Food Aid programs are prohibited.

Transit Regime

Customs legislation SECÇÃO VIII Trânsito Aduaneiro ARTIGO 110.º defines the types of Transit regime acceptable for cargos of this type to movement within or through the Angola territory under customs control with suspension of payment of Customs taxation except for Customs General fees or “emolumentos”. In the following articles refers to cargoes under this type of regime cargoes listed under QuadroVI annexed in the Preliminary Instructions of the Customs Law and/or other restricted cargoes from any special legislation, or from ratified or approved by the Angolan Authorities are mandatory pre- authorization from Customs.  Customs also can interdict cargoes due to security reasons, or in order to protect human life, flora, environment and intellectual propriety rights. Therefore is mandatory to provide with exactitude details of the cargo with valid support documents. Vide in the ARTIGO 89 the taxation calculation applicable by customs for Customs General fees/”emolumentos”.

To start the process of customs clearance for this type of equipment the entity should send a request letter to the to INACOM National Director (PCA)  attached to the documentation listed below being for definitive or temporary import (customs regime 11 & 14) addressed to the services of INACOM.

See Angola customs website for a list of documentation as follows:

Bill of Lading/ (Air)Waybill and the import permission previously granted by INACOM if within the validity date.

  • Also see INACOM website to check on more details requirements to obtain the licensing to operate

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