1.2 Jamaica Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

The Office of Disaster Preparedness Emergency Management (ODPEM) is the National Disaster Organization responsible for disaster management in Jamaica and is responsible for taking action to reduce the impact of disasters and emergencies on the Jamaican population and its economy. It plays a coordinating role in the execution of emergency response and relief operations during major disaster events.

The ODPEM is unique as the only government agency to provide disaster management functions in Jamaica. The ODPEM is headed by a Board of Management appointed by the Honourable Prime Minister of Jamaica.

The Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) is the principal maritime agency responsible for the regulation and development of Jamaica’s seaports. The PAJ was established by the Port Authority Act of 1972 and resides under the delegation of Ministry of Transport, Works & Housing. The Port Authority is also responsible for harbours, ports and facilities, and accountable for the safety of all vessels navigating Jamaican ports and harbours.

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links:

4.3 Jamaica Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List

4.1 Jamaica Government Contact List


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