3.7 Somalia Waste Management and Disposal Providers

Somalia Waste Management and Disposal Providers


Urban water supply and sanitation and solid waste management is the mandate of the respective municipalities under the Ministry of Natural Resources. Data on water and sanitation coverage is very limited with only 3 surveys and an additional partial inventory of water sources across Somalia under SWALIM project having been carried out in the recent past.

Nationally, only 23% of the population has access to sanitation facilities with access rates of 52% in urban centers and only 6% in rural areas (World Development Indicators 2010).


In Somalia the local government or Benadir Administration collects transports and disposes waste materials from the city. Waste management differs in the urban areas from that of the rural area, as there are more people in the rural area in comparison to the city. This is done in order to minimize harm to individual’s health as well as the environment. In Somalia there is no distinction of the nature of waste; whether solid, liquid or any other form; waste will be considered as waste and dumped in the dumping sites.

In Mogadishu, apart from the local government, the Ministry of Natural Resources and environment deals with the identification of the dumping locations, there are two big dumping locations in Mogadishu one situated in Medina district while the other one is located in Karan district. These two dumping places are the official places to dump the wastes that are collected from the different districts of Mogadishu. The names of the two dumping sites are:

  • Qashinweyne in Karan
  • Kaawo in Madina

For the last two years the Turkish Government has been assisting the Banadir administration with waste collection. The Turkish government is accountable for the entire process.

Recycling: No recycling is practiced in Mogadishu.

There are cleaning companies that operate in certain compounds. They clean regular trash from such areas and dispose waste in the respective places. Afterwards, the Turkish and Banadir Administration take the wastes to the dumping sites.

Waste Disposal - Non Hazardous

All garbage and rubbish collected from major cities and towns are dumped in large holes dug several kilometres away from the town and lacking a separation process of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, instead all are dumped in one place which is not environment friendly. There are tankers, which collect and dump waste water outside the city.

Waste Disposal - Hazardous

Mogadishu has big industries that produce hazardous wastes that are harmful to humans, however foreign companies have been observed to be dumping hazardous waste along the ocean. There are rules and regulations that forbid dumping of used motor oil in to the sea or near the ports. Violators are heavily fined and ordered to clean up. Friendly countries and international organization have been assisting Somalia to monitor and prevent the dumping of wastes until the government gets the capability of tackling these problems.


Waste is mainly collected in dumping holes dug outside the towns and cities. The local Berbera Municipality organizes and collects the waste and has two big dumping sites outside the town.

Hargeisa has two companies named DHIS Waste Management and Sabawanag Waste Management who collect the waste from the city and their temporary dumping sites located within the town as shown in the below photo. Hargeisa Municipality has four dumping sites for burning garbage, which are about seven kilometres outside the city.

In general Somalia does not have a recycling programme in place therefore two commonly used materials like plastic bags and bottles are dumped or sometimes burned.  

For information on Somalia Waste disposial contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Somalia Government Contact List




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