3.5 Pakistan Telecommunications

Pakistan Telecommunications 

For information on Pakistan Telecommunications Contact details, please see the following link:

4.5 Pakistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)



Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)


On average, number and length of downtime periods

Depending upon the problem, but Telecom structure is one of the best in world

Mobile phone providers (List)

Mobilink, U-Fone, Telenor, Zong, Warid

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)

All over Pakistan, approx 95% COverage
Procedure to obtain subscription Passport Copy, CNIC

Telecommunication Regulation

The Pakistan Telecommunication Ordinance 1994, established the primary regulatory framework for the telecommunication industry including the establishment of an authority. Thereafter, Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act no XVII was promulgated in 1996 that aimed to reorganize the telecom sector of Pakistan. Under Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was established to regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems, and the provision of telecom services.

PTA has its headquarters at Islamabad and zonal offices located at Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi and Muzaffarabad.

PTA's functions include:

  • To regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems and provision of telecommunication services in Pakistan.
  • To receive and expeditiously dispose of applications for the use of radio-frequency spectrum.
  • To promote and protect the interests of users of telecommunication services in Pakistan.
  • To promote the availability of a wide range of high quality, efficient, cost effective and competitive telecommunication services throughout Pakistan.
  • To promote rapid modernization of telecommunication systems and telecommunication services.
  • To investigate and adjudicate on complaints and other claims made against licensees arising out of alleged contraventions of the provisions of this Act, the rules made and licenses issued there under and take action accordingly.
  • To make recommendations to the Federal Government on policies with respect to international telecommunications, provision of support for participation in international meetings and agreements to be executed in relation to the routing of international traffic and accounting settlements.
  • To perform such other functions as the Federal Government may assign from time to time.

Rights of licensees are duly protected;

  • All of its decisions and determinations are made promptly, in an open equitable, non discriminatory, consistent and transparent manner;
  • All applications made to it are disposed of expeditiously;
  • The persons affected by its decisions or determination are given a due notice thereof and provided with an opportunity of being heard;
  • It encourages, except subject to the exclusive right of the company in basic telephone service, fair competition in the telecommunication sector; and
  • The interest of users of telecommunication services are duly safeguarded and protected.


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority




HF Radio



UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile



UHF/VHF repeaters









Individual Network Operator Licenses Required
Frequency Licenses Required

For information on Pakistan Nationwide dialing codes, please see the following document: 

Pakistan - Nationwide dialing codes


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