Viet Nam
3.3 Viet Nam Additional Service Providers

Viet Nam Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

4.11 Viet Nam Additional Service Provision Contact List

Taxi Companies

Taxi Companies in Ha Noi

A taxi trip in Ha Noi will normally cost 10,000 to 20,000 Vietnamese dongs. However, the main problem is that taxi drivers may take advantage of tourists by using a tampered taxi meter or taking a longer route etc. One way is to negotiate a suitable price before taking the taxi. The recommendation is to only use the reputable and reliable taxi companies

Taxi Companies in Ho Chi Minh City

Major taxi companies are fairly honest, but to avoid any troubles a ‘taxi coupon’ can be purchased at the at the international airport terminal, at one of the counters after the custom declaration & x-ray, next to the exchange counter. Beware of rigged meters that increase the fare too fast. The flag down rate is 12,000 VND ($0.73) for first 2 km and an additional 8,000 VND every km thereafter. Taxis drivers do not expect tips or issue receipts

Freight Forwarding Agents

For a list of freight forwarding agents operating in Vietnam, please see the contact list given above. Further information on freight forwarding agents identified in the contact list, please see the following document

Vietnam Additional Service Provision Additional Information

Electricity and Power 

In 2004, Viet Nam had 9.0 gigawatts (GW) of installed electric generating capacity. Viet Nam generated 40.1 billion kilowatthours (Bkwh) of total electricity, of which 52% was supplied by conventional thermal sources and 48% came from hydroelectric sources.

Electricity demand has increased steadily in Viet Nam during the last decade, but the country’s per capita energy consumption remains one of the lowest in Asia. Viet Nam imports small amounts of electricity from China in the north to avoid shortages, and the country has plans to import electricity from Laos beginning in 2008

For further information on Electricity Production, Distribution, Supply Electricity and Power Stability, please see the following document:

Vietnam Additional Service Provision Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet is growing rapidly and broadband internet services are becoming more available.

Contact information on Internet Service Providers can be found in the contact list given above and further information on the services these are providing in the following document:

Vietnam Additional Service Provision Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)

No, Dial-up, ADSL, GPRS, V-SAT

Approximate Rates





Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth

20 Mb
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