3.3 Djibouti Additional Service Providers

Djibouti Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For information on Djibouti Additional Service Providers contact details, please see the following link:

4.9 Djibouti Additional Service Provision Contact List

Freight Forwarding Agents

For information on Djibouti clearing and forwarding agents, please see the following link:

Logistics Cluster Djibouti Clearing and Forwarding Agent Assessment August 2017

Electricity and Power 

The organization responsible for electricity generation and supply is Electricité du Djibouti, known as the EDB. The organization is state owned. Installed capacity in 1993 was exclusively thermal, with the majority being diesel fired plant.

Djibouti currently has installed electricity generating capacity of 85 megawatts (MW), all of which is thermal (oil-fired). In January 2001, U.S.-based Geothermal Development Associates (GDA) announced that it had completed a feasibility study on the development of a 30-MW geothermal power plant in Djibouti. The study, which commenced in August 2000, established the commercial viability of the proposed generating facility. The $115 million plant, to be located in the Lake Assal region west of the capital, will be constructed on the build own operate (BOO) financing scheme. The Global Environmental Facility (GEF), a joint initiative of the World Bank and the United Nations (UN), has approved a $280,000 financing package to pay for contract negotiations required for the project. To date, however, these funds have not been released. At the same time, however, Electricite de Djibouti, the national electric company, has begun to remove aging diesel-fired generating units. To continue to provide power to rural residents, the government, with the help of a grant from a number of Arab financial institutions, is installing solar and wind capacity. The primary goal of the project is to replace old diesel powered rural water pumps with new ones powered by renewable resources, but excess energy will be used for electrification. Ethiopia has made plans to begin exporting electrical power to Djibouti and Sudan by 2010.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

From the city of Djibouti, telephone connections are available by satellite to Europe and the West and by land line to the main cities and towns of the interior; there were 16,800 mainline telephones and 128,800 cellular phones in use throughout the country in 2009.

All media are government controlled. In 1983, Djibouti inaugurated a powerful state-owned AM radio transmitting station, built with French and FRG funds. A television service was first introduced in 1967. Both are state run and broadcast in French, Afar, Somali and Arabic. As of 2007, there were 2 radio stations and 1 television station. In 1997, there were 77 radios and 37 television sets per 1,000 populations.

There were 13,000 internet users in 2008.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates





Max leasable 'dedicated' bandwidth


This is not an exhaustive list. WFP maintains complete impartiality and is not in a position to endorse or comment on any company’s suitability as a reputable supplier/service provider. The list is provided for general information only and the inclusion of a company on the list does not imply recommendation by WFP "  

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