3.1 Jordan Fuel

Fuel Overview

The country is not an oil nor gas producer. Fuel is imported, mainly from the Gulf countries and Iraq, by the Jordanian Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC) and distributed to the market. The JPRC is a is semi-governmental entity, and all fuel prices are controlled by the government. Recently the government has signed agreements with two private distributors to import fuel, but in limited quantities and the JPRC remains the main source of imported fuel. 

The distribution activity represents the link between the production and the refining processes internally, and between all JPRC agents, private distributors throughout the Kingdom, by providing them with all their needs of petroleum products and gas. 

Sale of Petroleum Products  

The sale of any petroleum product goes through a process starting by taking in the order and passing it on to the loading and transport departments and ensuring its delivery under any circumstances, in addition to preparing and issuing monthly bills to customers and following up bills settlements.  

The company owns ten fuel and service stations, located in the following areas: Um al Heeran, Al Misdar, Marka, Karak, a station located in the refinery site in Zarqa, AL Ameriyah and there are stations under construction in Irbid, Ma'an and, at Al Azraq.  

Sale of LPG Cylinders (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). 

The company provides gas distributors with LPG cylinders and monitors the sales operations to ensure that handling and delivery of cylinders to the consumers is being done in compliance with safety standards and regulations.  

The Gas Section in the distribution department is also responsible for effecting market studies and research about the local market needs of cylinders and preparing regular sales reports about all LPG distributors operations.  

Distributors can fill their cylinders in three LPG stations owned by JPRC and located in: Amman, Irbid and, at Zarqa with a total filling capacity of (100) thousand cylinder every (8) hours reaching (300) thousand cylinders in peak and emergency situations.  

Airport Refuelling Stations  

The company’s refuelling stations provides airlines with two kinds of Jet Fuel in all Jordanian Civil Airports: QAIA, King Hussein International Airport in Aqaba and Marka Civil Aviation Airport.  

  • JETA-1 fuel, produced in the refinery site at Zarqa and available in all three Civil Airports where more than (19) thousand planes are being refuelled each year with this fuel.  
  • AVGAS 100LL, imported and only available in Marka Civil Airport where annually more than (10) thousand planes are being refuelled in addition to providing King Hussein Military Air Base with this type of fuel.  

Jet Fuel handling operation, in all its stages and up till the refuelling phase, is conducted under the following conditions:  

  • Compliance of the fuel with the International Standards such as ASTM & DEFSTAN.  
  • Fuel has to be clean and dry.  
  • Applying maximum security and safety measures during refuelling operations.  

All refuelling stations are subject to periodic inspection by International Organizations and Associations and from airlines representatives. 

Lube Oils  

Lube Oils produced by JPRC are being sold locally and regionally, based on the company’s marketing plans aiming at securing the biggest possible share of these markets supported by advertising campaigns and promotional material as well as organizing seminars and conferences attended by the major agents to keep them abreast of the latest developments in the lube oils production in the company.  

JPRC attempts to comply with International Standards in producing its lube oils and always strives to produce new oils compatible with the latest automotive technology and according to the market needs.  

Repair & Maintenance of Fuel Stations  

This section is responsible for supervising the creation of the company's new stations in coordination with the specialized authorities, until mounting the dispensing pumps and ensuring their functionality. The post station creation phase is also part of the section's duties as it keeps track and carries maintenance checks on all installed pumps to guarantee their compliance with the public safety requirements.  

Aqaba Depots  

These depots receive and store the petroleum products imported by sea or road transport until they are transported and unloaded in the refinery tanks or distributed according to the demand of fuel stations and other different companies in the Southern region of the Kingdom. In addition to that, the Aqaba offices, checks on all mounted dispensing pumps ensuring that the quality and quantities of sold products are in compliance with the set standards.  

Contact Address and information for JPRC (Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co.)  







(+962 6) 4657939 

(+962 6) 4657934 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle , rainbow street 

Central Dewan 

(+962 5) 3811222 


(+962 5) 3811211 




(+962 6) 4162384 


(+962 6) 4141750 

Amman, Abu alanda 

Amman Gas Station 


(+962 2) 7056348 


(+962 2)7056345 

Irbid , Aal-nu"ameh 

Irbid Gas Station 

(+962 3) 2039520 


(+962 3) 2017137 

Aqaba Port 

Aqaba Stores 

(+962 6) 4770521 


(+962 6) 4775131 

Amman, madaba street 

Umm Alheran 

(+962 2 ) 7247192 


(+962 2) 7247193 

Irbid , Central Market 

Irbid Office 

(+962 6) 4600846 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street 

Legal Unit 

(+962 6) 4630151 


(+962 6) 4657939 

(+962 6) 4657934 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street 

Auditing Unit 

(+962 6) 4630151 

(ext (3352 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street 

Information System Division 

(+962 6) 4600858 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street , Insurance Building 

Human Resources 



(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street , Insurance Building 

Public Relations 

(+962 6) 4630151 

(ext (3369 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle, rainbow street , Insurance Building 

Medical Unit 

(+962 6) 4630151 

(3354) ext 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle , rainbow street , Insurance Building 


(+962 6) 4630151 

(ext (3359 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle , rainbow street , Insurance Building 


(+962 6) 4600860 


free - 080022322 

Zarqa , Hashmeah 

Lube Oil 

(+962 6)4630151 

(3367) ext 


(+962 6) 4630151 

Amman 1st Circle , rainbow street , Insurance Building 

Marketing and Distribution 

Information may also be found at: My Travel Cost Website information on Jordan

For further information on Jordan fuel contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Jordan Government Contact List

Fuel Pricing

Fuel prices are based on international and revised on monthly bases. No shortage as the sourced of supplies are around the country (Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries). 

Local supply (domestic refinery production and imports combined) meets the needs of the country, especially for aviation and ground fuels 

Fuel prices in Jordan are set by the government and reviewed on a monthly basis to reflect international gas prices on the local prices. In November 2012 the Cabinet made the decision to remove subsidy on oil derivatives which resulted in a price hike of several fuel products. 

Fuel Prices as of 23 August 2015 (JOD)  

Petrol (per litre):  

Unleaded 90: 

Unleaded 95: 




Diesel (per litre) 


Kerosene. (per litre) 


Jet A1 (per litre) 


Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations 

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (Yes / No) 


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No) 


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No) 


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No) 


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No) 


Fuel Transportation

Internal transportation of fuel products carried out from the Petroleum Depots by tankers to the fuel stations. Transportation infrastructure and fleet is sufficient to handle current domestic needs as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community. 

Standards, Quality and Testing

To insure compliance with International and Jordanian standards, and in its efforts to protect the consumer, JPRC runs tests on petroleum products samples, taken from service stations, in the company s modern laboratories.  

The company’s laboratories also assess water quality through testing water samples taken from different sources, as well as running specialized environmental assessments and operational studies and research.  

In a step towards becoming nationally accredited, the company has signed an agreement with "The Royal Scientific Association" to improve the laboratory s technical performance to comply with (ISO 7025), and to increase its employee s competence. 

Industry Control Measures 

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel (Yes / No) 


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft (Yes / No) 


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks (Yes / No) 


Presence of suitable firefighting equipment (Yes / No) 


Standards Authority 

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No) 


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No) 


Testing Laboratories 

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No) 


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory – Ministry of Energy 


Ministry of Energy 


Hay As-Suwayfiyya, Amman 

Telephone and Fax 

Tel: +96265803060 

Fax: +96265865714 


Private Sector Fuel companies for fuel distribution in Jordan. 

Gulf Agency Company (GAC)/ AMMAN Jaber Complex. 

Activities are limited in transporting raw/ crude fuel from Aqaba to JO Petrol Co. 

Tel: 00 962 06 5808000 Fax: 00 962 06 5820022 Email: 


Manaseer Group for Oil and Gas / site: 

Established in 2003 under the name Jordan Modern Oil and Gas Co. and is one of the first domestic companies that operates group of modern fuel stations in all governorates in Jordan and meeting the global standards in technology and environmental health and safety. The company uses up to date payment systems, along with using the credit and prepaid cards.

Tel: 00 962 06 5650902

Fax: 00 962 06 5733709


Jordan Oil Shale Company 

The Jordan Oil Shale Company (JOSCO) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, registered in the Kingdom to search for and evaluate the commercial potential of deeper layers of Jordanian oil shale. 

The agreement signed in 2009 between the Government and JOSCO, is aligned with Jordan’s energy master plan that includes developing the country’s indigenous oil shale resources. JOSCO is aware of the global energy challenge and through oil shale development, JOSCO is working to be an integral part in facing the growing demand of the world's energy needs. 

Tel.: 00 962 06 5806333 Fax.: 00 962 06 5806444 Email: 



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