3 Colombia Logistics Services

Colombia has a wide range of logistics companies covering transportation, warehousing and distribution services. A number of agents set up merges, acquisitions and strategic alliances involving logistics services to group a wide service portfolio offering comprehensive logistics services across their clients’ entire supply chain, generating economies of scale and efficiencies, and integrating processes. This participation strategy among companies became essential as a protection and competition scheme against multinational companies. All these schemes have been designed to compete more efficiently, resulting in benefits for clients.

At the organizational level, in Colombia there are many “holdings” or leading/controlling companies that group several companies in the same industry offering diverse but complementary services. Another model involves a single company or business name with multiple business units including all supply chain services.

Logistics costs are very high mainly due to transportation as the country does not currently have a sophisticated road infrastructure without alternative roads connecting with main cities or ports, generating cost overruns due to delays, expensive toll rates and higher consumption and input costs. The above illustrates the existing shortcomings in logistics and backwardness in the country and sector.

Below is a list of some WFP Colombia logistics providers:

  • ALMAGRARIO S.A. Comprehensive logistics services nationwide providing facilities in main ports and cities. The company has 35 distribution centers, including warehouses, public customs warehouses and free-trade zones in Barranquilla and Bogotá. In addition, the company has its own physical infrastructure enabling it to operate under the highest standards of security, reliability, management and opportunity to provide multiple services. Provision of port operations, level 1 customs brokers (through a third party) with nationwide coverage, warehousing, containers for product storage, packaging and transportation.
  • ALMAVIVA S.A. Nationwide comprehensive logistics services providing facilities in main ports and cities, including warehouses, public customs warehouses and free-trade zones.
  • DISTRISERVICES S.A. Logistics operator providing secondary packaging, distribution centers, national and urban transportation, document management, customs agency and warehousing services.

Disclaimer: Provider registration shall not imply any business relationship between the provider and WFP/Logistics Cluster and be solely used as a determinant of services and capabilities. Please note, WFP/Logistics Cluster shall maintain impartiality at all times and not be in a position to endorse any comments on the suitability of any company as a reputable service provider.

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