Sierra Leone
2.3.2 Sierra Leone Border Crossing of Gbalamuya


This joint border post can be found in the Kambia district and in Gbalamuya Town along the Republics of Sierra Leone and Guinea. It was constructed with funds from the European Union in order to facilitate and promote trade. The road from Freetown to Gbalamuya is paved and in good condition. 


Name of Border Crossing:

Gbalamuya [Sierra Leone]

Pamelap [Guinea]

Province or District:


Nearest Town or City:

(Nearest location with distance from port)


Distance: 11 km





Managing Authority/Agency:

National Revenue Authority (NRA)

Contact Person

Customs: Denis Bola Godwin, Collector, tel. +23230971123

Immigration: Musa S. Kargbo, Assistant Immigration Officer, tel. +23276682582 and +23288922132

Gbalamuya Border Post Office Kambia: 23222292734, 23222290544

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport:

Lungi International Airport

Distance: 115 km

Truck: 3 hours

Car: 2 hours

Nearest Port:

Freetown International Airport

Distance: 185 km

Truck: 5 hours

Car: 3 hours

Nearest Major Market:

(Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets,

or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.)

Port Loko

Distance: 61 km

Truck: 2 hours

Car: 1 hours

Other Information:

(Please provide additional details of this route if relevant,

such as information about whether there are fueling stations or weighing bridges en-route.)


 There are fueling stations along the road but there aren’t any weighing bridges. 

Hours of Operation


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


0700 - 1900


(List dates of closure and hours of operation if different from regular schedule.)

0700 - 1900


(i.e., winter months, rainy season, etc.)


Daily Capacity

Private cars are provided a separate lane. The level of traffic is still low due to the Ebola outbreak. Most of the traffic is composed of small cars or vans. Around 20 trucks per month pass the border post. 

Customs Clearance  

In order to obtain customs clearance, it is necessary to contact a clearing agent. The clearing agent will establish a manifest document detailing the goods' description, quantity and value. It is the only document needed at the border. It must be submitted first to Anti-Smuggling Unit (ASU), which will verify and inspect the goods then stamp and sign the manifest. (An Examining Officer will go out to verify the description and quantity of the items mentioned on the manifest.) The document then is submitted to the Collector for valuation purpose. After the valuation, the items are entered into Asycuda system. After inputting, the clearing agent takes the document to the bank available in the same building and makes the necessary payment. After the payment, the document goes to In-gate section which will check to ensure that the correct Harmonized System (HS) code is used. The In-gate officer triggers the activity. The system will send the document to an examining officer at the border who will examine the vehicle and the cargo to ensure it is consistent with the declaration on the manifest. If the cargo is not consistent, then payment of additional fees must occur. After the examining officer establishes the inspection act (electronic description in the system). The ASU unit validates it after assessment and checks the inspection act. If correct, they assess the document, which will be submitted to the collector who will print a release copy attached to the document for the collector’s signature and stamp. The release and the bank receipt will be given to the importer for him to go with the goods. This process takes approximately 30 minutes.  

Other Relevant Information

It takes around 30 minutes to cross the border. If customs at the border does not clear an imported car, it will be escorted to the Customs yard in Freetown where it will be parked until the importer finalizes the importation documents.

For more information, please see the following link: 4.1 Sierra Leone Government Contact List


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