2.3.13 Zambia Border Crossing of Nakonde/Tunduma (One Stop)


This border post is at the northern end of theT2 highway.  It is a combined post with Tanzania Customs to make it a one stop facility for all cargo and persons crossing the border.  The crossing is highly congested due to the lack of parking and staging areas for cargo trucks on the Zambian side. On average 350 trucks cross both ways every day.  Maximum capacity is 500 trucks per day.  Road access is tarmac from Lusaka where the condition of the tarmac is broken and deteriorating from Mpika onwards towards the border. A fair number of trucks are using the Nakonde – Mbala Road which is fairly ok, through Kasama and re-join the T2 at Mpika.

Waiting time is one day and dependent upon documentation completeness, pre-clearance and alerts. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Zambia and Tanzania: Nakonde/Tunduma One Stop Border Post

Province or District

Machinga Province

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Isoka (110 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)

Contact Person

Mr Chanda Martin, 0979888195


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Lusaka – Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (1030 km)

Truck Travel Time: 60 hrs

Car Travel time: 20 hrs

Nearest Port

Dar es Salaam (925 km)

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Isoka (110 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4.5 hrs

Car Travel time: 2.5 hrs

Other Information

The T2 from Lusaka is a good tarmac road. At Mpika the T2 changes to broken tarmac.

Hours of Operation

Every day regardless of holidays or season

0600 – 1800 hours

Daily Capacity

This border post is busy daily.  Very little parking space for trucks except along the roadside in queues over 3 km long.  ZRA and private truck parking areas exist along the route from the intersection with the D1 from Mbala northwards.  Approximately 350 truckloads per day cross both ways through the border.  Maximum capacity is about 500 trucks per day.  About a 2-4 hour wait when all documentation is correct, pre-clearance complete and alerts provided. 

Customs Clearance

Minimum delays occur because of Self-assessment pre-clearing routine on documentation done in advance. Documentation requirements for food (cereals):

  1. Waybill
  2. Export permit (dependent on commodity)
  3. Certificate of Origin (COMESA/SADC)
  4. Fumigation certificate
  5. Export schedule (in case of Maize)
  6. Invoice
  7. Phytosanitary certificate

Electronic pre-clearance possible and recommended through forwarding agent.  Bond is held by the agent for fees. ZRA is the regulatory authority. Inspection is required for import and export by Ministry of Agriculture and ZRA.  Fee of USD 100 per foreign registered truck and US$22.20 equivalent on Zambian trucks. All trucks are subject to inspection upon entering or leaving the harbour.

For more information on customs in Zambia, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

This Border Post is a unique one stop design facilitating only one place for all drivers to clear cargo.

Food is inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Nakonde/Tunduma One Stop Border Post, PO Box 430092 Nakonde, email:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

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