2.3.10 Liberia Border Crossing of Kpassagiza (Guinea)


The road conditions leading to this border from the Liberian side are good. The road was last graded in 2018. The closest town on the Liberian side is Zorzor (36km). The closest town on the Guinean side is N’Zenie (3.5km)

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Liberia: Kpassagiza Sub Port

Guinea: N'Zenie

Province or District

Zorzor District / Lofa County

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Zorzor (3.6 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

LIS - Immigration

Contact Person

Officer Samuel F. Kesselly

(+231 775 023 534)

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Roberts International Airport - 224 km

Truck Travel Time: 1 day in the dry season

Car Travel time: 8 hrs in the dry season

Nearest Port

Monrovia Freeport - 224 km

Truck Travel Time:1 day in the dry season

Car Travel time:8 hrs in the dry season

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Zorzor - 36 km

Truck Travel Time: 1 hr in the dry season

Car Travel time: 45 mins in the dry season

Other Information


Hours of Operation


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week


6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week

National Holidays

6 am to 6 pm, 7 days a week

Seasonal Constraints


Daily Capacity

During the rainy season 1 commercial vehicle passes this border crossing per week, 3 during the dry season.


Customs Clearance

Customs officers are present and are levying taxes when the border is open.

For more information on customs in Liberia, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.  


Other Relevant Information

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

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