2.3 Azerbaijan Road Network

Azerbaijan Road Network

For information on Azerbaijan Road Network Contact Details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

The length of public roads in Azerbaijan is 24 981 km. 191 km of these complies with 4-band movement of road transport. Total road density in the country is 288 km/ 1000sq. km.

The road network is securely connected to all the cities, regional centres, towns, airports, seaports, railway stations, reservations, resort and tourist recreation areas, as well as border crossings with neighboring countries.

Main roads along which the interstate flow of vehicles with cargo and passengers is the Baku-Alat-Ganja-Gazakh-Georgian border (Azerbaijani segment of TRACECA corridor), 503 km long border with Russia, and the Baku-Astara-border of the Islamic Republic of Iran ( Azerbaijani segment of “North-South” corridor), with length of 521 km.

Road transport in Azerbaijan has been fully privatized. Transportation of passengers and goods are engaged mainly by the corporate enterprises and the private sector (companies and physical persons).

International transport of goods in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the transit through its territory to other countries make truckers of 40 countries of Europe and Asia. Azerbaijan has a passenger bus service to the cities of the Russian Federation, Georgia, Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

International passenger traffic carried by the Baku International bus station complex, located at the entrance to the capital. The rates, as well as the schedule of long-distance and international routes can be found at the official website Baku International Bus Information Website

Azerbaijan Roads

Distance Matrix

For information on Azerbaijan Road Network Distances, please see the following document:

Road Distance Table

Baku Ganca Sabirabad Qubadli
Baku - 299.27 KM 145.51 km 350.85 km
Ganca 229.27 - 223.5 km 172.55 km
Sabirabad 145.51 KM 223.5 km - 205.54 km
Qubadli 350.85 km 172.55 km 205.54 km -

Road Class and Surface Conditions

2006 assessment revealed that approximately 70% of Azerbaijan’s roads and highways were in poor condition and required urgent maintenance. Since then the State Program for Rehabilitation and Development of Azerbaijan Republic's Road Networks(2006‐2015) has acted as a road map for addressing these pressing needs. It envisioned a two‐phase rehabilitation of the national road and highway network: Phase 1 (2006‐2009) and Phase 2 (2010‐2015). According to this program, by 2015, Azerbaijan will have repaired and constructed more than 9,500 km of new highways, including 3,578 km of national roads and 5,928 km of local roads. As a result of increased government and international investment in infrastructure projects more than 5,500 km of roads and highways have been rehabilitated. Approximately 806 km of these new roads and highways are of national and international importance. International organizations sponsored 460 km of these highways, while 345 km was financed by the State budget. Currently, construction and rehabilitation work is being continued over 870‐km long parts of the national highways, including 749 km which is financed by international loans. The construction of the country’s international highways and roads along the East‐West and North‐South axes will be completed to international standards by the end of 2012 .

The following table lists the lengths of the main highways in Azerbaijan, and the sections that still require rehabilitation. Along the NSTC route from the Azerbaijan‐Russia border to the Azerbaijan‐Iran border, for example, 53% of roads need to be modernized. The construction work on the northern segment oftheNSTC route (M1) fromBaku to Yalama (Azerbaijan‐Russian border) has completed on 2011, which willreduce transportation time and shorten the distance between Baku and the border by 10 km. The upgrading of the southern segment of the NSTC route from Alyatto Astara (Azerbaijan‐Iran border) (M3) began in 2006 and is expected to be completed in 2013. The M3 is a four‐lane highway that linksIranian and Azerbaijani roads. In the East‐West direction, the main focus is on the 503km long M2 road between Baku and the Red Bridge (Azerbaijan‐Georgia border). The construction work is currently underway on a 171 km segment of M2.

For additional information on Azerbaijan Road Network, please see the following documents: 

Azerbaijan Transport Corridors

Main Roads and Roads Under Rehabilitation

Main Road Network

Main Road Corridor 1


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