2.2 Palau Aviation

Aviation Overview

Key airport information may also be found at:

Palau has only 3 airport/airfield facilities throughout the country. The main international airport in Palau is in Airai State, near Koror, and is operated under FAA and US air traffic control. There are also two small airfields located on the islands of Peleliu and Angaur to the South of Babeldoab. Both airfields are managed and operated by their respective states. 

The aviation sector in Palau is small and relies primarily on tourism. There are approximately 30 flights per week into and out of Palau.  Palau is an international tourist destination, and is serviced by United Airlines, Japan Airlines, Korean Air and China Airlines through international scheduled flights that all land at Palau International Airport.

Charter carriers also service Palau with Smile Airlines providing tourist charters from China. Boeing 737-600 are the most common type of aircraft used.

Cargo services are provided by United Airlines Cargo, as part of the almost daily scheduled route, and by Asia Pacific Air (APA), a subsidiary of Tan Holdings, who provide Air Cargo charter out of Guam. 

Domestic carriers are limited to small tourist charter airlines Belau Air and Pacific Missionary Aviation (PMA). PMA is based in Yap, in Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), who provide charter services to outer islands and around Palau if required.

The Main Palau International airport is regulated by the US FAA, and routinely undertakes operational and safety compliance reviews. The airport has two aprons and approved future improvements include:

  • Hanger construction at North Parking Apron (Commenced)
  • Fuel Banker installation at North Apron
  • Main Terminal extension

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.5 Airport Companies Contact List 

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Foreign Aircraft operating in Palau are separated under two different regimes for the purposes of registration. They are:

 1. Aircraft operating in Palau as a domestic service, and,

 2. Aircraft operating internationally but flying into Palau.


Aircraft operating on commercial domestic routes in Palau are required to register with the National Aviation Authority through the Bureau of Aviation. Application is up to public notice; over a 15-30-day period objections are determined and a ruling is made after the 30-day period.

In each case the carrier is required provide the following:

- Aircraft Operational Certificate

- Insurance

- Airmen certification

Once this documentation has been provided multiple landing application can be applied for through the Bureau of Aviation.

Please refer to link for information and documentation:

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