2.2 Armenia Aviation

Key airport information may also be found at: World Aero Data Website 

For information on Armenia aviation contact details, please see the following link: 4.5 Armenia Airport Company Contact List

Domestic airports or air strips are not functioning since collapse of Soviet Union. Government is currently trying to recover at least one or two airports/ air strips which will be designated airports / air strips for Ministry of Emergency Situations, recently airport in Stepanavan has been passed to MoEs. However at this stage both runway and building has to be completely renovated. 

The executive state authority, administrating civil aviation in the Republic of Armenia is General Department of Civil Aviation (GDCA). The GDCA supervises aviation services and aviation infrastructures that operate in the Republic of Armenia, as well as introduces consultancy and suggestions on the state policies in the aviation sector to the Government of the Republic of Armenia 

The main objectives and functions of GDCA are: 

  • Realization of the state administration in civil aviation and non-military state aviation 
  • Preparation, development and negotiation of the principles of the state policies related to the rights of internal and international air navigation, as well as of international agreements referring to these rights and submission to the Government of the Republic of Armenia for approval 
  • Definition, regulation and monitoring of the civil aviation activities, including the operation of airports and navigation services, as well as of the safety and operational requirements of ground equipment and various services in the sphere of aviation to ensure their compliance to the requirements of the legislation and the International Agreements of the Republic of Armenia. 
  • Realization of control and monitoring of the operators of the civil aviation, as well as of the activities and provided services and their quality, the flight and aviation safety to ensure their permanent compliance with the current requirements of the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia 
  • Regulation of the air traffic services, as well as aeronautical communication and aeronautical information services of the civil aviation in peacetime in compliance with the present Law 
  • Development, approval and introduction in the field of civil aviation of the regulations ensuring fulfilment of the requirements of the International Agreements of the Republic of Armenia, Legislation of the Republic of Armenia, and the documents of the international aviation organizations, if the latter refer, or may refer to the objectives of military aviation, coordinating these activities with the Authorized State Government Body in the sphere of protection 
  • In compliance with law, to issue corresponding certificates, licenses, and permits for all aviation activities; organization of corresponding examinations, tests and monitoring activities with involvement of corresponding experts as needed 
  • Expert investigations of aviation accidents and incidents in the sphere of civil aviation (accidents and incidents investigation); analysis of the existing ideas on safety (security) issues and provision of the corresponding information to the providers of aviation services aimed at prevention of accidents in future 
  • Introduction and implementation of the Republic of Armenia National Program for aviation security 
  • Coordination of search and rescue services in case of the aircraft accidents, which did not cause secondary consequences 
  • Collection, analysis and evaluation of statistical data on financial and production activities of aircraft and airport operators in the civil aviation sector 
  • Bringing to administrative account the responsible persons for violation of the rules and regulations of flight and aviation safety in the sphere of civil aviation. 
  • Implementation of other goals reserved to it under the Republic of Armenia legislation 
  • General Department of Civil Aviation may realize the control of the aviation services and the infrastructure stipulated by the Concession Agreement only over the realization of safety and security requirements of ICAO and other international organizations to which the Republic of Armenia is a partner 
  • Inspections with regard to the Concessionaires are realized only over the compliance of safety and security requirements of ICAO and other international organizations to which the Republic of Armenia is a partner. 

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft 

Single non-scheduled flight may be operated to/from the Republic of Armenia upon permission granted by General Department of Civil Aviation (GDCA). To operate a single non-scheduled air service the aircraft operator at least 72 hours before the flight departure time shall submit to the GDCA an Application with attached necessary documents required for getting the permission. The Application for getting air traffic permission (single non-scheduled air transportation) shall include the following information: 

  • name of the aircraft operator or the organization operating private flight, location, all numbers for communications; ICAO three-letter designator code of the aircraft operator and flight number; 
  • State of registry of the aircraft; 
  • Aircraft type, nationality and registration marks;
  • Purpose of flight; 
  • Route of the flight (entry and exit points) in the airspace of the Republic of Armenia; Departure aerodrome, arrival aerodrome in the Republic of Armenia, final aerodrome; Type of traffic (Passenger, cargo, combined); 
  • Load of the aircraft (number of passengers, weight and nature of cargo); Date and time of the flight operation; 
  • Standard equipment of the aircraft; 
  • Form of payment for services and fees. In case of non cash payment, indicate the name of the bank and the account number; The following documents shall be attached to the Application; 
  • copy of Air Operator Certificate with attached Annexes or special supplementary regulations on operations; 
  • copy of permission (license) granted by the aeronautical authorities of the State of registration of the aircraft operator for operation of the route mentioned in the Application, if an issuance of such a document is prescribed by the legislation of this State; 
  • copy of airworthiness certificate and registration certificates of the aircraft, intended for air transportation mentioned in the Application; 
  • purpose of air transportation, data about the passengers (name, surname, citizenship and meeting party) and/or cargo (type of cargo, weight, nature, consignee and consignor) transported; 
  • copies of insurance certificates for passengers, baggage, cargo, third party liabilities, intended for air transportation; 


The GDCA may request additional documents or other information not specified in para above. The application shall be written in Armenian or Russian or English language. The application shall be made by the aircraft operator. 

The operator intending to perform non-scheduled flights to/from the Republic of Armenia shall submit application to GDCA for permission to carry out such operations not less than: for series of non-scheduled flights - 14 full working days, and, for a single non-scheduled flight - 72 hours prior to the intended time of operation. Applications for such permits shall be submitted to the General Department of Civil Aviation. 

Non-scheduled flights of foreign civil aircraft transiting the airspace of the Republic of Armenia without landing at the airports of the Republic of Armenia may be conducted without special permission. 




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