2 Burundi Logistics Infrastructure


Burundi possesses one airport with a paved runway, and several airfields. The Melchior Ndadaye International Airport in Bujumbura is the country's primary airport and the country's only airport with a paved runway. There are also a few helicopter landings strips.

Bujumbura Port

Bujumbura port is located North of Tanganyika Lake. The port handles not only Burundi cargo, but also transit cargo to Rwanda, Zambia and DRC. Bujumbura port is a hub of three corridors: northern corridor (Mombasa), Central Corridor (Dar-Es-Salaam) and Southern corridor (Mpulungu-Zambia).

The Port of Bujumbura is the only port in Burundi. South of Bujumbura is the Rumonge landing site, the only major landing site in Burundi. Both the port and the landing site serve not only Burundi, but also destinations in the Eastern Congo. Previously, when the border to Rwanda was still open for trade, the Port of Bujumbura also served destinations in Rwanda. Sitting right next to the center of the economic center and former capital of Burundi, the port is well-connected by road. Key competitors for the port are road transportation from Tanzania and a planned railway line from Tanzania to Rwanda and possibly Burundi. The port is state-owned and managed by the private company Global Port Services Burundi (GPSB), under a concession agreement with the Burundi Maritime, Port and Railway Authority.

The total traffic for 2019 is 203,000 MT. For more information, please consult the following link.


Energy/Electric Power

REGIDESO is the state-owned entity producing electricity in Burundi (mainly hydro-electric), which import some of the production via DR Congo.


Low voltage: 220 V/380 V

Medium voltage: 15 kV/20 kV

High voltage:65 kV/220 kV

Electricity access

Wood fire and candles are the main source of energy used for lighting in the households (68.1%). The lamp storm (kerosene) that comes in second is used by 13.4%. Electricity is only used by 7.0% of households.

By lack of electricity in rural areas, the TV is owned only by 4% of households. The use of solar energy is taking more and more important, for almost 1% of households.

Number of subscribers: 118 588 (2017)

Electricity - production:

316.1 GWh (2018)

Electricity - consumption:

219.6 GWh (2018)

Electricity - loss:

30.52 percent (2018)

For more detailed information, please consult the following link.


The actual country coverage of telecommunications in Burundi is as follows:

Phones - fixed lines:

Total subscriptions 24,840

Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: less than 1 (2018 est.)

Phones - mobile cellular :

Total subscriptions : 6,317,000

Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants : 52 (2018)

Phone system:

General assessment: with the great population density Burundi remains one of the most alluring telecom markets in Africa for investors; the government in early 2018 began the Burundi Broadband project, which plans to deliver nationwide connectivity by 2025; mobile operators have launched 4G and LTE mobile services to capitalize on the expanding demand for Internet access (2018)

Internet users:

total: 944,794.

The fiber optic national network is under construction since 2012 (Backbone Burundi System).

For more detailed information, please consult the following link.

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