1.3 Turkmenistan Customs Information

Turkmenistan Customs Information

Technically, Turkmenistan does not levy tariffs except on imports by individuals. However, in practice, the excise tax system applies higher rates to imported goods than domestic, effectively putting an unspoken tariff in place. Additionally, certain domestic products are exempted from the value-added tax (VAT) and, by special presidential decree, government regulatory agencies have the power to go into certain markets and determine the prices of domestically produced goods and the prices for which importers pay for foreign products. Certain imports from countries outside the rural area are prohibited or require a license.

Turkmenistan is not a member of any free trade agreements and is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States customs union. It has signed trilateral agreements with Iran and Ukraine, Iran and Armenia, Iran and Bangladesh, and Iran and the Philippines and is pursuing more such agreements. Turkmenistan has most-favored nation status with the United States and Austria. Duties run from 10% to 100%, the average being 30%.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes, 17May1993

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Import Tariffs - Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan does not apply tariffs per se on imported goods. However, in practice the Government of Turkmenistan levies customs duties and higher excise taxes on imports which are significant barriers to trade.

Turkmenistan’s value added tax (VAT) is 15 percent.

Samples/Temporary Entry--Turkmenistan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into Turkmenistan of items such as carpets, jewelry, musical instruments, pieces of art, archaeological artifacts, antiques, protected animals, etc

Standards - Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan uses National Standards of Turkmenistan (TDS) and General Interstate Standards (GOST). Turkmenistan’s national standards are developed to meet international standards. GOST standards have been developed by 12 FSU countries and incorporate former Soviet Union standards. Standards and metrology are governed by the Law on Standardization and Metrology of 1993 and a series of by-laws.

The Main State Inspectorate “Turkmenstandartlary” is the regulating agency in the area of standards and metrology and publishes national standards updates.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

Packing Lists

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

Other Documents

special permission from the Ministry of Nature and Environment.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa

diplomatic card

confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa

diplomatic card

confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Car title. Technical passport of the car. Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Right hand cars are not allowed. Permission of Ooperation department of Ashgabad Customs Office Permission from Transinpspection Certificate standard of state Temporary import declaration

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Additional Notes


Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Company Papers / Passport & Valid Visa ,Original Invoice & Packing List in English or Russian , Original BL, Cert. Of Origin


Weapons of all kinds. Pornography. Narcotics. Toxic material Radioactive material. Export of antiques, such as carpets, paintings, books, icons or any other items, which is considered to be of Turkmen cultural and historical value. Right hand cars.

Prohibited Items

 Narcotics • Pornography (please consider the term as used under the Islamic law) • Counterfeit items • Cultural artefacts and other objects of cultural importance • Henna • Palm tree and any products thereof • Explosive material

General Restrictions

Live animals – health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations. • Endangered species and any products or parts thereof as outlined by CITES maybe be brought in only with CITES permission. • Medication • Local currency - Tunisian Dinar (TND) – cash import available only with permission. • Foreign Currency declarable when exceeding the below amounts: * Foreigners - the equivalent of TND 5,000 * Residents - the equivalent of TND 25,000

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

For detailed information on import regulations, please see the following document:

Turkmenistan Customs Information Additional Information

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate



n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

3 Originals


3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

Packing Lists

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

Phytosanitary Certificate







Other Documents

special permission from the Ministry of Nature and Environment.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Car title. Technical passport of the car. Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Right hand cars are not allowed. Permission of Ooperation department of Ashgabad Customs Office Permission from Transinpspection Certificate standard of state Temporary import declaration

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Additional Notes

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