1.2 Somalia Regulatory Departments

For information on Somalia Government contact details, please see the following links: 

4.1 Somalia Government Contact List

Somalia has not had a functioning central government since 1991. The election of the first president in 20 years leads to a new government and is the end of the roadmap for a beginning of a new prosperous Somalia. The federal government of Somalia has fully confirmed the existence of a quality control agent based in Mogadishu’s seaport and airport for the first time since 1991. Foreign firms will be responsible for checking and controlling food and other imported goods from abroad entering the country.

In Somaliland and Puntland the authorities are independently developing their institutions and communities. Somaliland has a National Development Plan (2012-2016) with economic, infrastructure, governance, social and environmental elements. Puntland is preparing its next five year plan on the basis of a regional development plan. The authorities in central Somalia and the border areas are generally under resourced and therefore relevant institutions are not yet in place.

Somaliland declared its independence from the greater Somalia in May 1991. The local government maintains informal ties with foreign governments. Neighbouring countries including Ethiopia, Djibouti and Yemen maintain trade relations. Ethiopia has a trade office in the region. As a self-declared country, there is no regional trade organization through which Somaliland maintains its trade. All remain informal.

The Somaliland Ministry of Finance is empowered for tax revenue, while Somaliland Quality Control Commission (SQCC) and Health Department for quality assurance. Pre-shipment inspection is usually done in two ways:

  • Documentation must pass through the Ministries of Planning and Finance for checking and verification. Then it finally issues a Customs Clearance document.
  • Upon arrival of the consignments to entry points (borders or port) the Health Department and SQCC conducts cargo inspection and verification against the documentation and quality before cargo is cleared for importation.

Civil Aviation Authority

The Somalia Civil Aviation Authority (SOMCAA) is the national civil aviation authority of Somalia. Based in the capital Mogadishu, it is under the aegis of the federal Ministry of Air and Land Transport. After a long period of management by the Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia (CACAS), SOMCAA reassumed control of Somalia's airspace at the end of 2013.

Wikipedia Information on Somalia Civil Aviation Authority

Revenue Generation and Administration

Somalia faces challenges in rebuilding the tax system; the government is committed to implement a robust revenue mobilization strategy that will incorporate strong transparency and accountability. After 20 years of civil conflict the Inland Revenue Department has been seriously weakened and plagued with severe operational challenges. There are challenges in the tax collection process due to the reasons that tax administrators have limited knowledge of tax laws and collection procedures and this weakens the tax control environment.


The Somalia Customs tariff is based on the Customs Cooperation Council nomenclature for imports classification. Duties range between 5% and 100% for items not eligible for preferential treatment. Customs duties collected at the Mogadishu port and the Mogadishu International airport is the government’s main source of revenue, averaging about $6.5 million per month in mid-2013. The basic tariff rates are unit based per 50 kg bag, per carton or per litre, with rates for only about 150 categories of goods. Two surcharges are imposed on the unit based duties; a 5% sales tax and 2% stamp duty. Port fees that are also collected are retained by the Port management for running costs.


Media of Somalia includes various radio, television, print and internet outlets. The federal government operates two official radio and TV networks, which exist alongside a number of private and foreign stations. Print media in the country is progressively giving way to news radio stations and online portals, as internet connectivity and access increases. In February 2013, the Ministry of Information, Posts and Telecommunication also launched a broad-based consultative process for the reformation of media legislation.

Wikipedia Information on Somalia Media


Tourism in Somalia is regulated by the Federal Government of Somalia's Ministry of Tourism. The industry was traditionally noted for its numerous historical sites, beaches, waterfalls, mountain ranges and national parks. After the start of the civil war in the early 1990s, the Tourism Ministry shut down operations. It was later re-established in the 2000s, and once again oversees the national tourist industry. The Mogadishu-based Somali Tourism Association (SOMTA) also provides on-the-ground consulting services. Headquartered in Mogadishu, the Somali Tourism Association (SOMTA) also provides consultancy services from within the country on the national tourist industry. Visas and stay permits are now mandatory for all foreign nationals. As of April 2013, the re-established Somali Immigration Department requires all foreigners to register at its offices in the capital.

Wikipedia Information on Somalia Tourism

Information and Communication Technology

Somalia was one of the only three African countries along with Sudan and Eritrea that missed the December 2012 deadline, set by the African Union in 2007 to connect all African capitals by fibre optic cable. Internet usage reaches only 3% of the population.

Establishment of Regulatory, Institutional and Legal Framework

The above establishment is expected to start soon. Somalia federal Government signed the concession agreement with Albyrak Company which is now operating and investing the port. The project is expected to complete within one year. WFP Somalia is financing the project. The objective of the project is the design an adequate institutional and legal framework, taking account of the proper reallocation of operating, policy and regulatory functions; the establishment and strengthening of a separate regulatory body; and the establishment of adequate environmental safeguards and controls.

Based on the analysis of existing legislation (such as the Port Authority Act, Competition and Anti-Monopoly legislation, and relevant environmental legislation) and their adequacy for the needs of the reformed sector on the basis of generally accepted principles, any necessary amendments or new laws will be proposed, including, if needed, the legal drafting of bylaws and regulations, (rules for market functioning, rules for regulatory regime, rules for tariff settings, environmental bylaws and regulations, etc. It will also include assistance in the establishment of the new regulatory body.

Finally, it will include the design and implementation of a training program for the regulator(s) and the technical staff of the regulatory body. 

Somalia Sanctions

Individual or entities operating in Somalia should be aware of the various UN, EU and USA sanctions on Somalia.

Wikipedia Information on Somalia Sanctions




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