1.2 Samoa National Regulatory Departments

Office of the Regulator

The Office of the Regulator ("OOTR") is Samoa’s Regulator for the telecommunications, broadcasting and postal sectors.   

The Regulator is tasked with implementing the licensing of telecommunications, broadcasting and postal services, promotion of new services and investment, consumer protection, prevention of anti-competitive activities by service providers, and management of the radio spectrum and national number plans.


Responsibilities include overseeing licensee’s compliance with the Acts, monitoring the market for anti-competitive behaviour, pricing issues, interconnection and universal access. The Division is also required to investigate and resolve consumer complaints and ensure quality of service.  


The Ministry Of Transport - Civil Aviation

The Ministry of Transport (MOT) is designated under the Act as the Civil Aviation Authority for Samoa, a role now with the Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure (MWTI).

The Civil Aviation Division of the MWTI is tasked with enforcing the 1998 Civil Aviation Act, Civil Aviation Rules (CARs) & Regulations 2000 and advising the CEO on civil aviation policies to ensure Samoa complies with its obligations under ratified International Conventions, Treaties and Agreements.

The primary legislation governing civil aviation in Samoa is the Civil Aviation Act 1998 with the Civil Aviation Rules and Regulations 2000 as the secondary legislations.

Under its legal mandates, the Civil Aviation Division has responsibility for the safety oversight of all Civil Aviation Activities in Samoa, including:

-       Air Operations

-       Aircraft Maintenance and Airworthiness

-       Maintenance Organisations

-       Aerodrome Standards and Rescue Fire Services

-       Aviation and Airline Security

-       Air Traffic Services

-       Airport Telecommunication

-       Supply Organisations

-       Personnel Licensing

-       Monitor Samoa's compliance with its obligations under existing Air Services Agreements

-       Facilitate the issue of Air Service Licenses

-       Maintain Samoa's Aircraft Register

-       Facilitate the issue of Civil Aviation Certificates - Air Operator, Airworthiness, Certificated Organisations etc.

-       Validate Foreign Pilot's Licenses, Aircraft Engineering Licenses and issue Air Traffic Services Licenses

-       Facilitate the entry regulation of itinerant aircraft into Samoan airports

The Pacific Aviation Safety Office conducts the technical surveillance, assessment and safety auditing.

Maritime Division

The Maritime Division assist the Chief Executive Officer in dealing with matters regarding Maritime Policies and regulations on national, regional and international levels. It is responsible for overseeing all maritime transportation and related activities in Samoa.

Essential Regulatory Services

-            Ship Registration

-            Ship Surveying and Inspection

-            Shipping Crew Training and Certification

-            Ship Safety Clearances

-            Seafarers Employment Contracts

-            Security Assessment of ISPS Port Facilities and Ships

-            ISPS Audit of Ports and Ships

-            Approval Training Modules School of Maritime Training

-            STCW Audit Maritime Training Institution

-            Flag State, Coastal State and Port State Implementation

-            Technical Advice of International Convention and National Maritime Legislation to Shipping Industries, Ports, Training Institute and Seafarers

-            Monitor Compliance of International Convention and National Legislation

Land Transport

  • Enforce construction standards for roads and drainage including pedestrian safety and climate resilience;
  • Integrate best practice climate resilience measures into the design and planning of all transport networks;
  • Ensure integrated development efforts with all other utility services.
  • To provide a "point of contact" of the Ministry to serve as the primary liaison with the parties; and
  • To establish the national network of public drains and provide details of that network to parties
  • Regulate and monitor land transport network in Samoa


Ministry for Revenue - Customs Services

-            To manage and administer the taxation systems in a way that encourages compliance by all taxpayers

-            To facilitate trade and the movement of people across borders while at the same time protecting the community and ensuring compliance with laws; and

-            To efficiently collect the correct revenue due to the State

Samoa Quarantine Service

Samoa Quarantine Service (SQS) is part of the Ministry of Agriculture, and its main job is to protect Samoa against incursions of unwanted organisms such as animal and plant pests and diseases, weed species, or anything else that could alter its environment.


The Samoa Quarantine Service operates a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week service, maintaining a presence at key points for entry of biosecurity risk goods - airports, seaports, cargo depots and the mail centre at Apia.

The Samoa Quarantine Service works in tandem with other inspection agencies at the border (Immigration, Customs and Health) for a whole-of-government approach to border protection.


Ministry of Health

Policy advice and regulatory management to ensure that legislations, regulations, and policies are adhered to for safe and quality of health systems

Policy advice on the monitoring and evaluation of health standards to maintain an efficient, transparent, and accountable health system that will impact on health status of Samoans

Serves to manage, coordinate and provide the linking mechanisms between participating ministerial entities and sector partners involved in the Health Sector Wide Approach Program, to improve and harmonize the effectiveness of donor aid and health systems performance within the context of the MOH Act 2006.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Responsible for land management and for promoting the use of alternative energy sources to mitigate the effects of climate change.

This ministry has oversight for the Samoa National Disaster Management Office


Chamber of Commerce

The Samoa Chamber Of Commerce has over 400 members. It is a well-structured organisation with a good database of contacts throughout all sectors of the business community.

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Samoa Government Contact List 



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